Gone, But Never Forgotten - Dorbyn

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It had been a week. The longest week of Corbyn's life.

It wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn't supposed to turn out this way. He and Daniel were supposed to be together forever. But sometimes, things change.

Dressed in a black suit, Corbyn stands and accepts the condolences of so many people - friends, family, fans...everyone was here for him.

Daniel had been walking home from town a week ago, when a car hit him. He died almost immediately. When the police had come to break the news to Corbyn, they gave him the one thing that hadn't been in Daniel's pocket when he left the house - a small white box with a wedding ring inside. He was going to propose to Corbyn when he got home. And that son of a bitch hit him before he got the chance.

Not listening to any of the other boys' speeches, Corbyn sits silently, crying, while everyone else spoke of Daniel. Jonah nudges him, and he takes a deep breath as he walks up to the podium.

He pauses at Daniel's casket. And in that moment, Corbyn thought he was going to puke. Thought he was going to have a breakdown in front of a church full of people. He thought he would rather die than have Dani die instead. He wished he was the one who'd gone out, wished he was the victim of the car accident. But here he was. Alive.

"Daniel James Seavey," Corbyn begins, now at the podium. "Where in the world do I start? You made me so happy. You made me feel free, accepted. Loved. You made me feel things that no one else could ever make me feel. Empathy. Compassion. I can never thank you enough for that. And now I'll never get the chance to even try." He chokes back a sob, looking down at his hands. "You were a happy boy. Never sad, always smiling. You brought sunshine to everyone's lives. And someone took yours from you. It wasn't fair. It isn't fair. And if I could turn back time and stop you from going out, I would. In a heartbeat. But unfortunately in life, we don't get second chances. We don't get do-overs. You get one shot, and if you screw it up, it's on you. No one else. This was my screw-up Daniel. Letting you leave that night. I'll never forgive myself. But I wanted you to know a few things." Full out sobbing now, Corbyn abandons his spot podium, climbing down the steps to stand beside Daniel's casket, placing one on hand on the top. "I love you. So much. So much more that I could ever try to explain to you, to anyone. I know you never meant to do this. I knew you never meant to leave me by myself. I know it's not your fault. How could it be? And I know that eventually, I'll be okay. But for now, I'm missing you more than ever, and I just wish you were here with me. I love you Daniel. More than I could ever tell you. More than I could ever even try."

He cries and sobs as people lift Daniel's casket up, carrying him outside. He screams in tears as they bury him in the ground, Corbyn throwing in the first handful of dirt on top of his baby. He can't breathe, choking on his own tears as he reads the headstone:

Daniel James Seavey
Loved by Corbyn Besson
1/5 of Why Don't We
Gone but Never Forgotten
Angel In Heaven, Protecting Us All

What Corbyn doesn't know, is that all throughout the day, Daniel is standing at his side. Maybe Corbyn can't see him, can't talk to him, can't kiss him, but he's there. He's there as Corbyn accepts condolences, he's there as Corbyn breaks down during his speech, there as Corbyn throws the dirt into his grave. And as he begins to fade himself, Daniel knows his time on earth is up, his final moments gone. He kisses Corbyn on the cheek, smiling. For him, today isn't sad. Today isn't a day someone died, it's not a day that something tragic happened.

He feels free.

He knows that he'll watch over Corbyn as best he can, protect him from Daniel's place heaven. And he knows, that one day, when Corbyn is ready, Daniel will be there to welcome him home with open arms.


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