Happily Ever After - Donah

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"Baby I'm back!" Daniel closes the front door, rolling his suitcase over to the corner to be unpacked later. "Greece was so beautiful and I can't wait to tell you all..." Realizing that no one had come down the stairs to greet him, Daniel stops talking. "Jonah?

"Upstairs!" Jonah calls, and Daniel laughs, bounding up the stairs to their bedroom.

"Jonah, I'm back and you didn't even-" Daniel cuts himself off as he opens the door and sees Jonah standing at the foot of their bed. The floor and bed are covered in rose petals, and candles are lit all around them. Jonah is dressed in black pants and a black button-down shirt, leaving the top two buttons open. His hands are in his pockets, and his face is flushed, a smile in place.

"Welcome home, baby." Jonah crosses the room to kiss Daniel, taking him by the hand and moving him to the center of the room.

"Jonah...what...what is all this?" Daniel asks in wonder, his eyes flicking around the room. "I was only gone for a week!"

Jonah laughs. "I know, Dani. But I've been thinking about this for a lot longer than just one week."

"What do you mean?"

"Daniel," Jonah begins, taking both of Daniel's hands in his own. "When I met you, I didn't know that that would be the best moment of my life. The moment when I truly started living. You are my favorite person in the whole world, and I never want to be away from you. You make the sun shine brighter, the night a little less dark, and my days a whole lot better. You are my person Daniel. And I never intend on letting you go."

Jonah lets go of one of Daniel's hands and slips in into his pocket, withdrawing a little black box. Daniel sharply inhales, and Jonah gets down on one knee.

"People always talk about a happily ever after. I want that with you, Daniel. I want you to be my happily ever after, my fairytale ending." Jonah opens the box, and a little silver wedding band sits inside. "So here goes. Daniel James Seavey-"


"Will you-?"


Jonah laughs. "Daniel, can you please let me propose to you like a gentleman?"

Daniel laughs, tears in his eyes. "Fine. But the answer is still yes."

"Daniel James Seavey, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

"Yes. Yes, yes, yes."

Jonah slides on the wedding band, and it fits perfectly, like it was made only for Daniel.

"We're getting married," Daniel whispers to Jonah, still in disbelief.

"Yes we are," Jonah replies easily, kissing Daniel with every ounce of love in him. "And we're going to live happily ever after."

~The End

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