Sparklers - Zonah

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"Zach, babe, come on!" I yell, grabbing my keys off of the kitchen counter. "The rest of the boys are already there and fireworks start in an hour!"

"I'm here, I'm here!" He bolts down the stairs, two at a time, and almost falls flat on his face at the bottom. I catch him by his forearm.

"Are you okay?" I ask, trying not to laugh.

"I'm good." He checks his reflection in the mirror just over my right shoulder, running his fingers over his head. "How does my hair look?"

"Perfect." I lift his chin gently to make him meet my eyes. "You always look perfect."

Zach blushes and looks down, grabbing my hand. "Come on lover boy, we're going to be late."

I smile and allow myself to be pulled to the car, revving the engine and rolling down the windows to feel the night's cool air on my skin.

Once we pull into a huge parking lot, I open the back of the car and grab the blankets that were inside. Corbyn, Daniel, and Jack find us immediately, and we hike over the crest of a hill for the best spot to watch fireworks in all of LA.

"You cold?" I ask, wrapping a blanket around Zach, pulling on the corners to pull him in for a kiss. He smiles against my lips and shakes his head as he pulls away. "I'm good. When did you say all this was supposed to start?"

Before I can open my mouth to answer him, a boom echoes through the sky and a flash illuminates his eyes. I smile. "Right. Now."

And suddenly, everywhere I turn, fireworks are going off on the horizon. There are reds and blues, golds and silvers - everything from those that sizzle out at the end to the ones the scream as they set off into the sky. It looks like more than one place was having fireworks tonight.

It all goes on for what seems like forever, and the grand finale of every firework show we can see is almost in unison. I watch a smile grow on Zach's face with every explosion, the color in his eyes making him look like a little kid.

At the end, Corbyn and Daniel head home, walking back with their hands intertwined, and Jack looks like he's about to fall asleep. Zach and I gather our blankets and walk down the crest, taking our sweet time.

"What did you think?" I ask.

"It was amazing!" Zach says, spinning in a little circle. Sometimes he really is a little kid. "All the colors, and they were coming from everywhere I looked, and...! It was just wonderful, Jonah. Thank you."

"Any time, love." I take his hand and swing it back and forth. "I'm glad you liked it. I love you."

"I love you more." He gives me a sweet kiss, and that was the biggest firework I'd seen all night long.


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