Six Months - Dorbyn

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Six months away from a person is a lot. Especially when you're like me and Corbyn. Six months is more like six decades to us.

I hop off my plane from Michigan back into the warm sunshine of LA. I was back at the Why Don't We house, where all the magic happens, and I was beyond excited. Beyond excited to be with my best friends again, to be making more music, away from the stresses of a college life. To be reunited with the love of my life, my sunrise and sunset, my one and only - Corbyn Matthew Besson. God, I missed him.

I push open the door to reveal Zach, Jack, and Jonah, all sitting on the couch, bickering over whether to watch Riverdale or Stranger Things, just like how it had been six months ago.

"Hey guys," I say, racing over to them, flopping over the back of the couch in a sort of front flip, landing in Jack's lap. "Miss me?"

"Not a chance," Jack grumbles, shoving my head onto the floor, my feet flailing in midair as I try to keep myself upright.

"Um, ouch!" I grumble, smiling as Jack pulls me up, hugging me tightly. I laugh, considering he's now hugging me after flinging me onto the floor. "Yeah, yeah, missed you too."

I hug Zach and then Jonah, secretly wondering where Corbyn was the whole time. Seemingly still the mind-reader, Jonah says, "Bean's still not here yet. Just in case you were wondering." When I open my mouth to deny that Corbyn was all I was thinking about, Jonah quickly speaks first. "I'm a psychology major for a reason."

I can't help but pout. The man has a point. Jonah was always good at reading people.

"Oh, he was definitely wondering," a sly voice says from behind me. "He was always missing me too much. Kind of suffocating, I must admit."

Smiling like a madman, I turn around to the angel of a boy behind me, pretending to be offended. "Hey! I-"

He cuts me off."You, my dear, have a tendency to not let people finish their entire thought before taking offense to it," he retorts, smiling. "As I was saying - kind of suffocating. But...maybe I missed it more than I thought I would." He opens his arms wide, and I crash into them.

"We made it, my love," he whispers in my ear. "We survived."

I smile up at him, then rest my forehead on his. "Barely. And it's only been six months."

Corbyn groans. "Oh, the pain! How can I ever part with you again?"

"And we all thought Zach was the dramatic one." Catching myself, I quickly add, "Oops. Did I say that out loud?"

Apparently so.

"Hey!" Zach yelps in protest.

"Oh, hush drama queen, you're ruining the sweetest reunion I've ever witnessed," Jack complains from his spot cross-legged on the counter, a bowl of popcorn in his hands. He throws a piece at us and says, "Go on, I need to know how the story ends!" He pops a piece of popcorn into his mouth, eyes wide, before offering the bowl to Jonah, who shakes his head with raised eyebrows. It wasn't really to decline the popcorn, but as if to say, I can't believe I got talked into coming back here with these people. How did I live like this?

"I really did miss you," I say earnestly, softly enough so that I hoped Jack wouldn't hear.

"It's difficult not to," Corbyn says, faking arrogance as he bats his eyelashes. "I mean, look at me. I'm practically a god."

"Shut up," I mumble, trying to hide my ferocious smile in his shoulder.

Corbyn laughs, a light, magical sound, and rests his head atop mine. "I missed you too. It was a lot harder to be away from you than I thought."

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