Say That You Love Me - Dorbyn

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Today, it's finally happening. Today, the love of my life, Daniel James Seavey, is taking me on our first real date since he asked me to be his boyfriend two weeks ago.

The horn honks outside and I grab my jacket, putting it on as I run out to Daniel's car. "Hi baby."

"Hey beautiful," Daniel says, laying one arm across the back of my seat. "Don't you look gorgeous."

I blush and Daniel winks, kicking the car into gear. He rolls the windows down and turns the radio up, putting his hand on mine and lacing our fingers together.

After a while we pull off the road and drive through an empty field.

"Daniel, are you crazy?" I ask. "The person who owns this land is going to arrest us for trespassing!"

Daniel laughs, parking the car. "Relax, beautiful," he says. "It's Jonah's. He says he doesn't use it and wouldn't mind if we tore it up for a night - or more, if this goes well."

I smile, climbing out of the car as he opens the back hatch. There's a small cooler from which he pulls a wine bottle and glasses. Blankets and pillows surround a smiling Daniel, who holds my hand as I climb up next to him. He wraps the two of us in a blanket and leans back, bringing me back with him.

The sun has set now, the golden glow that was present on the way here, making Daniel's eyes shine, is gone. On the horizon, the sky glows softly with pink, blue, and gold. Stars are shining above us, and fireflies glimmer in the soft breeze.

"The sky at night is so pretty," I whisper softly, my head on Daniel's chest, hearing his heart beating. "Did you know that the brightest stars are the youngest ones?"

"Beautiful youth," Daniel says, lifting his arm to kiss my head. "I love you, Corbs."

Those eight letters said to me had never left his mouth before then. The world stops right in front of my eyes, and the stars shine so much brighter - the young ones and the old. "What did you just say?"

Daniel turns his head to look at me, unfazed, completely sure of this. "I love you. I love every single part of you. The good, the bad, the funny, the smart...all of it. I love you, Corbyn Matthew Besson."

I smile, not hesitating to say, "I love you too, Daniel James Seavey." Without any warning, I crash my lips onto his, pulling him impossibly closer, kissing him as though this would be the last time I ever got the chance. "Please, just tell me you love me every day."

"Every chance I get, every single day the sun rises," he replies, lifting a hand lazily to trace patterns in the sky. "Until we are the brightest stars in the universe."


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