1: Alone

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My group and I were running from a horde of Z's but somehow 10k and I were separated from them and ran into a small alleyway and hid behind a dumpster. The zombies that had followed us ran past the alley.

"That was a close one." I said in a whisper.

"Yeah." 10k said, we waited there for a while.

"We have to find Warren and the others..." I said

"It's getting late. Maybe we should find somewhere to camp out." 10k suggested standing and offering me a hand. I took it and he helped me up and started to walk.

"Can we try looking for them first and if we can't we'll look for a place to camp out for the night." I said

"They've probably already found someplace Y/N. It won't be long before it starts to get dark." He said. I sighed tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Fine. But in the morning we look for them." I said.

"Okay. Fine by me." He said.

We walked for a while when we came across a small home. It was a greyish blue on the outside, still in perfect condition. It had a white picket fence and it looked just adorable.

"It'll do. Come on let's go." He said and we went inside. We checked the house for Z's and thankfully found none. We met up in the living room after locking the doors and making sure that the windows were Z proofed.

"I wonder if this place has a generator." I said to myself.


"Because I don't want to run into something if I have to pee or something."

"Oh. Okay." I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. I walked out the back door, 10k watching out for Z's. I looked along the back of the house and saw nothing. I walked back inside and we looked for something that could at least produce light.

"Oh hey! I found a flashlight!" I exclaimed, I pressed the button and it didn't turn on.

"Damn. It doesn't work."

"I found some batteries in this drawer." 10k announced. I handed him the flashlight and he put the new batteries in and the flashlight turned on. I rejoiced, hugging 10k and well kissing his  cheek earning a blush from him.

time skip brought to you by 10k's amazing skillzzzzzz

We had gotten comfortable in the small house and were now getting ready for bed. The house did have two bedrooms but Tommy and I were used to sharing a room because when we're with the group Warren automatically assumes that we want to be in the same room which is one hundred percent true. When Thomas and I were younger and our dads went on hunting trips or family vacation Tommy and I would always have to share a room it was the best ever. Now a days the only reason I sleep in the same bed as Tommy is because he makes me feel safe. He reminds me of the good ol' days when we were younger. Tommy and I's dads were best friends since they were in fifth grade and so our moms were like best friends and Tommy and I have been friends since birth pretty much although Tommy is like two years older than me.

I took my jacket and shoes and put my hair up. Tommy was already in bed and so I turned off the flashlight and laid down facing him. I fell asleep for about three hours but I woke up. I sat up and felt around for the flashlight but I couldn't feel it so I just got up and felt my way to the bathroom. I arrived at the bathroom door and opened it revealing a half sleeping Thomas taking a wiz I gasped, covered my eyes, muttered an apology, and slammed the door shut.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god!" I said as I ran back to the bedroom practically running into everything on the way and I hid under the covers embarrassed as fuck.

Oh god! Why in the hell did I do that! I just embarrassed the hell out of myself! Jesus Christ I'm an idiot! I saw his PENIS! What the fuck man why am I such a god damned idiot!

"Y/N was that you who walked in on me peeing?" Thomas asked

"No it was Casper the god damn friendly fucking ghost!" I said as sarcastically as I could.

"So it was you?"

"Yes it was me! I'm sorry."

"No need for apologies. I mean at least you didn't walk in on me after I just got done with a shower." He chuckled.

Oh god.

One time after I had gotten done with a shower Tommy kind of forgot I was in the bathroom and walked in on me completely naked it was so embarrassing he saw EVERYTHING!

"It was so awkward after that."

"Yeah it was. Everyone wouldn't stop teasing me after that." I came from under the covers and he sat down on the bed.


"Really." Now it was my turn to let out a small chuckle.

"Most embarrassing moment of my life. Although it was also the first time I've seen a girl naked and it was impressive to say the least."

"Really?" I said with a deep blush on my face.

"Of course." He said

"Tommy I-" he cut me off with a kiss on my lips. I kissed him back.

So that's it for this chapter. The uh next one will be a smut maybe I don't know I'm not really that good with smut chapters so yeah hope you enjoyed.


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