24. Weasel in Shining armour is on his way

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Third person p.o.v

"Seems like someone finally decided to visit office today.. didnt they?" Zaara scoffed barging into Ahaana's cabin..

She was already on the verge of go-hay-wire mode,the idiot of a bush which she called her best friend had ditched her today.. when she went to pick up Nushrath..All she said was "chukki I'm not coming today.. meet me after office time" and disappeared from the balcony.. screw that dummer..

Here she is alone after 4 days.. all the pending works on her shoulder stressing her more.. and the last thing she wanted was this icing cake driving her into depression..
"Such a beautiful beginning" she internally smirked..

"You have a problem with that Zaara?" Ahaana Snapped turning to her at once tying her hands across her chest..

"Well hon.. I dont.. Maybe shezaad does" she grinned showing those white teeth that she badly wanted to break..

"He wanted both of you, since your partner is absent today too.. that makes it only you.. run along sweetheart.. If I am you I would be running in no time" Zaara snickered..

"Exactly the point doode.. I am not you.. neither you are me. So get lost for fudge's sake and what do you think I am ? A 5th standard girl? Just because you cling on to every word he says doesnt mean everyone else does too.. not everyone are desperate as you.." Ahaana smirked..

One thing about that girl is no one.. absolutely no one could make her lose her sane self.. her sane self which of course means insanity to others..

"You never know when to shut do you?" Zaara asked her pale face turning a shade of red on Ahaana's comeback
"whatever just informing.. you dont wanna anger shezaad.. the consequences would be deadly.." she fake smiled trudging away while she rolled her eyes..

Soo much for facing thisthing early in the morning, I dont wanna face that thing too.. "she mentally complained..

"Ana.. agree you missed him.." her mind voice piped in as usual corrupting her self..

"Shut up.." she snapped a little bit loud and trudged to Shezaad's room..

"Excuse me sir.."

"Come in Maryam.." his monotone greeted her the moment she stepped into his room..

"So back after 2 days vacation ha?" He snarled sarcastically

Uppsssyy she bit her lips.. though its only two days he gave her permission she was away for four and nush its five considering today..

"I am sorry sir.." she trailed on not looking him in the eyes..

"Well you do know that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.." he said in a know-it-all tone..

She shot him a duh look.. it was newton' s third law the idiot is quoting..

" Manh.. this guy stares professionally" she couldnt help but wonder when Shezaad kept staring at her for her reply

"Staring and professional? What are we having here chukki.. are you for real?" Her mind voice again..

"Shut up.. I am just relating both" she reasoned..

"So?" She asked staring back at him..

"Soo soo.. You've exceeded your holidays so that means.."

"Punishment.." She finished with a sigh..

"Well you are not wrong.." he beamed..

"He is the HRM or school P.T master?" She mumbled to herself..

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