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- I woke up with a pair of hands around me, they were so soft and gentle that I felt protected in the one's embrace. I felt so comfortable that I didn't realise that the person who was holding me was the one that I was annoyed the most, the person that would ruin my whole day in a matter of minutes, the person that could bring me to insanity, but once I realised that, my heart began to pound really fast in my chest and it felt like it was going to burst any second, my breathing wasn't falling behind too, I was breathing at a quite fast pace.

Wanting to get out of his embrace, I slowly removed the blanket that was around us and with the same speed his arms, because I was trying to make as little noise as possible and not wake him up.

I slowly got up and turned to look at him and to my surprise, I giggled, but I just couldn't resist the cuteness that was in front of me.

Turning around and going to get my shoes silently, I thought about what I was going to do next. Maybe I could try and get as far away from him as possible or maybe, I could just kill him.

The second sounded a little to much, but if the first one doesn't work, I guess that I have to use the second option.

I looked back to see if he was still asleep and he was. But, he wasn't covered in the green blanket and I know from my experience that mourning hours were the coldest in this time of the year. So, I had at least some sympathy to go and cover him  up. With a small smile, I got out of my house and started speed walking away from my house and away from him.

Once I was far enough, I stopped to see where I am going to go. My decision was to go to some place that I haven't been in a while, and that was the forest. I have been planning to go there for a long time, but I was stopped by a demon that could not leave me alone, and now that I have a chance, I will go there.

While I was walking, I could see the forest emerging into my sight. The colors were amazing, and because it was Fall the leaves were scattered in a wide variety of colors, from a crimson red to a divine garnet. The yellow was also greatly spread across and the orange color was there too.

When I entered the forest, the chilling wind reminded me that I should be more weary around this place, because from how I know, in this environment are living some strange animals. Of course, I didn't believe that because, I haven't seen a single one ever since I first started to go into this forest.

The scenery was beyond my expectations and it was kinda nice, because it was the first time I have seen this place so beautiful. There were leaves everywhere on the ground and more were still falling down. There were sugar and red Maples and maybe some black tupelos if I remember correctly. Nevertheless, this season never stops to amaze me.

While I was walking an idea came to my mind. I was very excited because I have never done that ever before. Maybe it was a little stupid, but the thought of taking pictures of animals sounded so cool. The only problem was that, the wildlife in this time of the year was a little tricky to find in this forest, the forest that was also called "the forest of life", which it made sense, but only in spring and summer where the flora and fauna was more scattered around this place. But, I think that this name is not appropriate for this forest, because it isn't always filled with plants and animals. Maybe I could be wrong, maybe I could be right, but that was just my thought about that specific name.

I took out my camera and got ready to take some pictures if I see some animals.

To my luck, I saw something close to a bush. It was a deer and maybe I knew the plant life in here pretty well, but I didn't have any knowledge about the animals, or at least I have a little to that deer near the bush. It was a Red deer and surprisingly it didn't notice me when I was taking pictures of it, which they turned out amazing.

It was getting a little dark so I got my phone to check the time./19:51/

I was a little shocked because I didn't realise that I spent so much time in the forest. Without thinking, I started to walk back to my house, and prayed that Anti would be gone by now.

Continuing down the forest, I realised that I haven't been to this place. I looked around me and saw that I don't recognize this place. I went back, but to no avail. I was completely lost. There was a small path that was made by people who constantly were walking in here, but I somehow didn't follow it and ended up here.


I am lost and it's getting night time really quick. It was getting cold and my thin jacket wasn't really helping.

I started shaking, and adrenaline started to kick in. My breathing was fast and my heart started beating fast too.

The worst part was when it got fully dark, because then I got a feeling that I was being watched and I could only see with my flashlight on.

I didn't like this, I started to shake more and not just because of the low temperature, but because I was scarred to death too.

Then, I saw something or, someone staring at me with big green eyes.

I assumed that it was a creature, considering that, no human being has eyes that were bigger that the head itself. It looked like a squirrel, but with a very long and thin tail and a big pair of green eyes, the creature was also twice as big as an ordinary squirrel. So, this must belong to one of those strange animals people have been talking about.

I wanted to take a picture, but I couldn't, because it was really dark and my battery on both camera and phone was about to die.

Then, an unknown force made my body become weak, making me fall to my knees and then suddenly everything went black...


Hello, thank you all for reading this chapter and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

I know it is a little to late to tell you that and I am sorry I forgot.
Last year was okay, even though I wished some things wouldn't happen at all, but now, 2019 gives me more chances to make a better me.
I hope you all had a good year and if you made some mistakes, remember that you can change them and that there is still time.
I don't know what to say anymore.
(Let the cringe embrace you my friend)
Stay sweet, I love you all, bye!!😘😘😘

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