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- Jack knew that he had to fight. It was the only thing he knew to stop the right now. It was a living nightmare to him to see living and moving dolls, but he had to fight if he wanted to get rid of them. He had to do it, or else he would be screwed.

He got the courage to stand up and take a look at them walking ever so slowly and creepily towards him, knowing that they scared him. Jack then realised that they were small in comparison to his human body. He almost laughed at them trying to get him, but the fear was still there and because of that, he started to think of a plan to fight them.

It sounded so silly to Jack that he had to think of something to fight someone that could be easily be defeated with no hard work done.

He jumped on his bed and stood still for a moment to see if they would be able to climb it, since they were small and it was harder for them to climb or do anything that required a lot of strength. He watched them jokingly with crossed legs as they climbed on the bed with a lot of struggle, but when they finally climbed it, Jack quickly got off the bed and went further away from them, now laughing as he did so. He watched them again as they slowly went towards him. It was funny and weird to him at the same time. Funny because he messed with them, but weird because they seemed to be messing with him by walking slowly. It made him think that they were laughing and playing with him. He couldn't see that, because their faces remained the same all throughout this time they started to move. But, it still made him feel very unsure.

Still, they were very tiny and weak, he could probably beat them and break them up easily if he wanted. So, an idea came to his mind. He could literally break them apart or maybe he could just pull their prices that they were made of. He now was sure that he was going to do what he was going to do. He was finally brave enough to walk up to one of them, the mother, and grabbing her when he crouched. She tried to pull away and pinch his hand, but it was effortless as it did no damage to him whatsoever. Jack smiled, knowing fully well that he was in control in this situation.

He grabbed her plastic left arm and started to pull it away from her, hearing high pitched noises coming from her as he did so. It hurt her and he knew that, but he still continued to pull the arm away, no matter if it hurt  her or not. He looked at the doll's eyes, looking as still as they could, showing no emotion, and then he looked at her arm and started to pull even stronger now. It was difficult to take her arm off because, well, it was somehow stuck to the rest of her body. But, after some struggling, he finally managed to rip her arm of off her body. Jack felt bad, not because he could hear the screams that were emitted from the doll itself, but because he could do such a horrible thing to something so much weaker than him. It made him sad and he quickly realised his mistake. He put the doll down and he watched as she slowly started to get slower and slower, until she stopped moving at all.

He nudged her a little bit with his finger, trying to get at least a little reaction from her, but all he got was nothing. The doll that was supposed to be dead, but was somehow alive, was killed by Jack himself. The doll was dead because of him, because he wanted to defend himself of something that was going to do nothing to him, because he was afraid, because he wanted everything that was happening in his life to stop, because he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted it to stop, but he didn't know what to do in order to stop it. He wanted to cry and scream, to let his tears come out of him and to make him fell like he is free and his normal life is back. But, of course, he wanted things that he couldn't have. He wanted everything that he didn't have and could never have in his life.  It was sad, but it was the truth when it came to the matters to his own life. He never received the things he wanted in life. It's as simple as that. He was a baby for being sad about things like that, everyone knew that he was a baby that got angry easily and cried when a lot of things didn't go the way he had planned them to go. Everyone told him that he was the emotional one, that he was a crybaby. But, somehow that only made him stronger and now he doesn't cry about things like that, he doesn't do that a lot anymore. But, at the same time, he still did that, just not that often. And because of that, he doesn't know whether that made him happier or sadder. He is probably somewhere in between now.

All of the sudden, he felt light tugs on his shirt. He looked down to where he felt the tugs from and his eyes widened when he saw all of the other dolls hanging on him with faces that showed no emotion, but he knew that they were now angry. They were angry and wanted revenge and to do that, they did something Jack would've never had imagined at all.

On by one, they all started to quickly go towards his face. Jack tried to get them off of him, but their grip on him was very strong and he couldn't take them off. He thought he was stronger, that they were nothing compared to him, but that all changed when he realised that they forcefully opened his mouth and went inside it, forcing Jack to shut his mouth and not open it by pulling strongly on his lips so that they could close.

Then, one of them decided to go even further into Jack's throat by slowly crawling deeper and deeper, until Jack wanted to throw up and puke them out of him. He had no other choice, he had to do it, or else he would suffocate to death.

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I love you!

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