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- Jack was really scared now. He was just standing there breathing as little as possible and praying that this will all be over soon. He didn't want any of this to be happening, he didn't want everything that has happened to him to happen, but it still did and he had to deal with it on his own. Everything went quiet. Everything went still, even his heart. Jack could no longer hear or feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest and it somehow made the situation worse. He was breathless, he needed air, but he couldn't breath it in somehow.

Then, something unbelievingly happended. The thing that Jack assumed was from last night, jumped quickly out of the bed and with tremendous speed bounced off the wall and on to him, digging his claws into him.

It happened so quickly that Jack didn't know what to do. He just layed there with his body, absorbing all of the clawing that was made from the shadow and taking in all of the pain that was given to him. It was nothing Jack had ever experienced. The pain was so incredibly strong that he could feel his soul being torn apart. It felt bad. The bad kind of bad. At that moment, he knew that it was over for him and his life that was constantly going lower and lower. He thought about everything, his whole life flashing before his eyes. He felt sad that his time had to come this early, but also happy because he couldn't take the pain anymore. He closed his eyes and waited.

He waited...

And waited...

... But nothing happened.

The pain was gone and so was the shadow when he opened his tightly shut eyes. He felt his whole body trembling like crazy and his heart pounding hard. He took a couple of minutes to breathe and calm himself down before slowly standing up, using the little strength that his fragile little arms had. He looked on his chest and there was absolutely nothing on it. No blood, no scratch marks, no torn flesh and ripped apart clothing. Nothing. He was perfectly fine as he was before, but the only difference was the quick beating of his heart and his trembling breathing. He somehow managed to walk and sit on the bed, face in his palms and quietly saying to himself to calm down. That worked and he managed to calm down so he could at least stand straight without tripping or falling to the ground.

He stood up and looked around the room, trying to find the shadow that attacked him, but to no avail. He felt weird and tried to explain the feeling that was inside of him, but he couldn't. He felt something unexplainable, something that felt bad, but at the same time he didn't know what it really felt like, other than weird. He tried not to think about that right now and focused more on what had happened to him a moment ago.

It was something that was aggressive for sure, but it was something that was shy as well. It didn't want to be seen, so that could be why he was all covered and when he saw it, it went from calm to hostile really fast. But what really cought his attention was was how fast it reacted and moved. He almost emidiatly jumped and climed the wall while running towards me and jumping when he was close enough. It scared the living hell out of him. The scariest situation he has ever been before.

What freaked him out even more was that some sort of a toy house, probably a dollhouse, was put on the floor on his right side. It was pretty big and was mostly colored in different shades of pink. When he got closer to the mini house, he noticed that there were some dolls put on separate rooms that were in the house. They were still and didn't move at all. They were just placed there and they were just standing there. There were four of them. Two females and two males. He assumed that they were a family. There was the mother, the father and their children, the sister and the brother. The mother was in the kitchen, the father watching TV, the little girl was probably in her bedroom looking at herself in the mirror, while the brother was in his own room with a wall filled with pictures of some plant that he did not know the name of. It looked really sweet and happy, but something was off. Something didn't seem quite right. It looked perfect, almost too perfect. The family looked happy, the dolls were all smiling and looked relaxed, but then again they were just dolls. They were made that way, they were made to smile, he thought. But, there was something that was not right. Something that, even though they looked perfectly normal, there was something that made Jack shiver in fear. They made him uncomfortable and unsafe. He didn't want to touch them, so he left them there until he called someone to pick them up and get them out of his house.

He sighed and looked around him one last time, before he left his room. Not wanting to think about anything that happened, so he just went to eat breakfast with Anti, without telling him what happened, even though he gave him concerned looks and was constantly asking him why was he so pale and shaking a little bit. Jack just didn't want to get him involved with anything he is dealing with right now, because he would not make him feel better, he would only make the situation worse. So he chose to stay silent and not tell him anything while they were both eating breakfast.

Anti was really concerned about him, but didn't know what to do to make him feel better. He only wanted to tell him he is sorry for all of the things he has said and done to him. That he regrets doing all of that to him, but how could he when all he gets is an annoyed look or a "shut up" every sing time.

He wanted him to be happy.

He wanted him to be loved.

But he couldn't give all of that to him when he was constantly silenced up.

I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter!
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Love u all!

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