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- After they had ate, Jack got up from the chair and went to the living room and turning on the TV. He tried to find something that will catch his attention, but nothing interesting was on the TV right now. He rolled his eyes and tried to think of anything that he could do, boredom was clearly showing on his face and he didn't do anything about it. Jack sighed and got off the couch, not knowing where to go. He sat back again on the couch and tried to think of anything he could do that would be interesting to him. But he just didn't want to do anything it seemed.

After a few minutes of Jack just staring pointlessly at nothing, he noticed Anti walking in the room. Jack looked at him and tried to remember what he wanted to tell him. He thought he forgot, which really annoyed him, but he finally remembered that Anti had asked him to go out with him. He agreed when they were eating breakfast together and was really looking forward to it, but now he just somehow lost a lot of interest doing that. He didn't know what was wrong with him today, it was like his emotions changed every hour of the day. And right now, he was feeling extremely bored.

Nonetheless, Jack still decided that he would give it a try. He wasn't doing anything right now and probably would for quite some time, so he made a final choice to tell him that he wanted to go out with him. It wouldn't hurt. Probably.

Jack looked him in the eyes and stopped a bit, trying to make a proper sentence. Anti waiting for him to speak patiently.

"Um, would you mind if we go out right now? I have nothing to do and this was the only thing that came to my mind, so, um, I was just asking you if you wanted to do it right now." Jack looked at him with pleading eyes, silently begging him to say yes, because having nothing to do, for long periods of time, would mentally kill him.

To his relief, Anti smiled and told him when to be ready. Jack smiled as well and got off and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once he was done, he dried himself and with a dry towel went into the closet to pick what to wear. There were so many clothes, he didn't know which to choose. After about fifteen minutes in the closet, he finally got out with his clothes that he was going to wear and put them on the bed.

He was going to wear some blue converse, some dark blue jeans, a green hoodie that had "green." printed on it and a silver ring, necklace and some bracelets. Jack felt satisfied with what he was going to wear and with a slight smile, he put on his clothes. After he was finished, he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth once again and brushed his hair, making it look neat and tidy, but also a little bit messy. He took his phone along with his wallet, used some perfume and looked at himself in the mirror, feeling proud that he looked and felt good.

He walked downstairs, looking for Anti and he saw him sitting on the couch, waiting for him. Anti looked up and grinned when he saw him. He was apparently amused by what I was wearing. Jack looked at him too and noticed that he was mostly wearing black. Back ripped jeans, a black hoodie with a skull on it and some black shoes that looked rather expensive. He was also wearing a necklace with a dark green orb in the middle and a ring with the same orb that was in the necklace.

"You look nice." Anti said to him and winked at him, making Jack blush a light red color.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself." Jack said back at him, smiling and looking away when he noticed Anti blush as well.

"Um, thanks, so... where do you want to go first?" Anti asked him once they both got out of the house. Feeling a little nervous about the whole thing. He didn't want to screw things up and he wanted Jack to actually enjoy this, instead of making him mad or angry and ruin this whole date that the had.

"I would like to go anywhere you want to go. I wouldn't mind." He replied back, making Anti think of a place that he wanted to go. He never truly planed out this date, so he didn't know where to go. The only thing that he did was worring about whether this date would go well or not. But, after a few minutes, he knew where he wanted to go and that place would possibly be enjoyable for Jack too, but he didn't know if he would be into those things or not.

Anti said to follow him and Jack did exactly what he was told to do. Following Anti until they stopped at some place that looked like a bar.

Anti looked at him to see his reaction, but his face didn't made any. He frowned a little, but continued to walk in the disco bar that didn't look that crowded, but there were still a lot of people in it. It didn't surprise him though, a lot of people go into these things nowadays, he would be more surprised if it was empty than full.

"Is this new?" Jack asked, having to yell a little because of the noise, clearly not familiar with it.

"Kinda, it just got opened this year. People say that it's good." Anti answered, having to yell to in order for them to hear each other. The music was loud, but it didn't bother them than much.

Anti lead Jack towards the bar and ordered some drinks. They were both drinking different kinds of cocktails.

Anti raised his glass a little and Jack did the same.

"Let's toast to..." He started, but was soon cut of by Jack.

"Why do we need to do that?" He asked giggling, clearly amused.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." Anti said back to him, trying to make things go in Jack's favour as much as he could.

"No, no, it's fine, I want to do it. I was just messing with you" Jack said back to him, clearly amused.

"Let's toast to this date!" Jack said, making Anti a little bit surprised that Jack would even consider this a date. But, nonetheless, he raised his glass too and said the same thing that Jack said. Feeling happy that this is really happening.

Thank you all for reading, I hope that you liked it. Comment if I made some mistakes.
I love you all, bye!

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