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- Jack was staring into the creature's eyes, also known as a nightmare, feeling anxiety creep up on his spine, slowly crawling deeper and deeper inside him. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what he thought about Anti, the one that clearly made a lot of signs that told him that he loved him. Jack was sure about that, but he wasn't quite sure if he was feeling the same. He made sexual acts with him in the past, but he was never doing it out of love. Or at least he hoped so. All of the times that he has done things with him, were either forced or Anti made him do it. All of those things, made Jack unsure if it was love or something else. Still, he took a deep breath and tried to think of anything that he would tell it. Not caring if it would notice or not, because he wasn't even sure what the right answer even was.

"Um, no. I don't think I can return those feelings that Anti is giving them to me. Also, I don't even think that he loves me as well. He might have done things with me before, but that doesn't always mean that someone is in love with you." I told the creature, feeling nervous of how it would react to my answer.

The nightmare didn't do anything though, not even speak or move. It was just standing there, literally not doing anything. It's eyes were just focused on Jack and they weren't moving an inch. It was just standing there, his eyes only visible, making it seem like it was completely frozen.

Jack felt a cold chill run down his spine when he felt something touch his left shoulder. It wasn't a hand, rather it felt like a tentacle or something like a tail. He quickly turned around, trying to see what touched him, but there was nothing that he saw. It was still a complete darkness. Jack turned around again, wanting to see the nightmare again, but there was nothing there too. All around him was only darkness. Turning around again and walking, not knowing where to go or what to do, he tried to yell in hope that someone would answer him. He was yelling and shouting, trying to get someone's attention, hoping that he would wake up soon and not be stuck here all his life.

He sat down and crossed his legs, putting his head in both of his arms. He didn't want to be stuck here, he didn't want to be in darkness forever. It scared him, thinking that he would have to be in this place forever.

After a god knows how much time he was sitting there, something tapped him on the shoulder. Jack quickly looked over his shoulder and saw something that looked like a goblin, standing behind him. He jumped forward out of fear and landed on his butt. He looked at the creature and noticed that it was really small. It had small round red eyes and body that was completely pitch black, but somehow, with some dark magic, Jack could still see him clearly in front of him. Jack backed away as much as the creature took steps towards him. He thought that he would hit something, but he was still able to go back.

The thing then jumped on top of him and held him still, getting a little bit angry that Jack was constantly trying to back away from him. Jack, on the other hand, was completely shaking. His body was slightly shaking and his breathing was not even, his heart thumped rapidly and he could feel the creatures hands being pressed down on top of his chest.

"Stop, please!" Jack cried, not wanting to die like this. Not wanting to die at all. He looked at the creature's eyes, but quickly looked away when he saw how terrifying they were. They were small and were glowing a shade of red, like they were meant to scare people. Jack closed his eyes and hoped for the very worst, not wanting to see what it would do to him.

"Why are you so afraid?" The creature asked him, making Jack sweat from fear. It's voice was nothing he had ever heard of, it was high pitched, but it was deep as well. It was like a man and a woman were talking to him at the same time. He opened his eyes and saw that the creature wasn't on him anymore. It was standing beside him now and it was just looking at him with it's nightmarish eyes.

Jack slowly moved a little further away  from it and stopped when he hear the creature's growl. He looked it in the eyes and started to form questions that he could ask him, but he quickly stopped when he heard the creature speaking again.

"Who are you?" The creature looked like he didn't want to do anything with him at all. Jack gulped, worried about the whole situation, but he still answered as much as he could.

"I... I am Jack and um, who and what are you?" Jack asked the the creature, feeling his heart being squeezed when he looked at the angry and offended face it made. He probably made it mad.

"Okay, Jack, what are you doing here?" It asked him another question, ignoring his.

"I don't know! Look, I feel asleep and now I'm here. I don't know why or where I even am, so please spare my life." Jack told the creature truthfully, not wanting to make anything that was bad happen.

The creature just stared at him and didn't say anything for a few seconds, but then, out of nowhere, he told Jack the same thing that the nightmare did.

"I will ask you this once. If you want to get away from this place, tell the truth. If you tell the untruth, you will be with the darkness forever and never see the light again."

Do you love him the same as he loves you?

Thank you for reading this chapter. I really appreciate that. I hope that you enjoyed reading it and comment if I made some mistakes.
I love you all, bye!

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