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- Jack was stunned. His face didn't move at all, shocked by what it said. What did he mean kill him? How on Earth will that even help me? He's probably joking, isn't he?

"What do you mean 'kill him'?" Jack asked it, now wanting an answer more than ever before. He was desperate and he needed what he wanted. Jack didn't want to kill him, it would make the situation even worse.

"You need to get rid of him from roaming in this world. You need to make him go inside your mind."

Jack was relived to hear that there would be no killing, but still a little bit confused as to how Anti would go inside his mind.

"How do I do that? How do I make him go inside my mind?" Jack asked, wanting more details.

"You both need to feel nothing. Close your eyes and invite him in your mind once you are ready"

"Is that all?" Jack asked, feeling happy that there would be no killing and anti would still live.

"Yes. It is all."

"Okay, then how do I get out of this place?" Jack asked again, wanting to get as far away from this place as possible.

The creature just stood, not moving at all and just staring at him. All of the sudden, Jack was back where he was knocked out by the shadow. He looked over and found Anti sitting on his floor and rubbing his head. Jack got up and quickly ran towards him. Anti noticed him and smiled tiredly, happy to see Jack alive and well. They both hugged and Anti kissed him.

"Are you alright?" Anti asked him, worrying that something might went wrong and he really did get injured.

"Yes, I am. Are you okay? You seem very tired?" Jack asked him, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, I think so. I don't really remember what happened. It all happened so quick that I didn't know hot to even react." Anti replied, ruffling Jack's hair and smiling when he saw him blush.

"That creature that we saw puked something inside your mouth, but I didn't really see what. I was just worried that it might've done something to you." Jack told him, making Anti heavily grossed out.

"uh, okay? I think I'm fine. I don't feel any different." Anti said back to him, not trying to worry at all about what happened.

"Yeah, um... I have one more thing that I need to tell you." Jack exclaimed, nervously looking away form Anti and taking a deep breath. Preparing for what he was about to say.

"What is it?" Anti asked him, getting a little bit awkward form Jack's behaviour.

"This might sound crazy, but I know that I have to say this. You see, when the creature knocked me out, I went in some other dimension or I don't know what it really was, but, once I got there, I talked with a creature that told me that if I wanted you to live, I needed to tell to to get into my mind." Jack said to him, making him have a shocked expression on his face.

"First of all, that thing knocked you out and you told me that nothing hurt you. Second, why the fuck do I need to live. Am I not living right now or am I going to die and the only way to prevent that is for me to go into your brain?" Anti stopped talking and gave Jack a moment to respond.

"Kinda, yeah. It even told me how to do it." Jack told him.

"Jack, are you sure it wasn't a dream?" Anti asked him, now skeptical about the whole situation. Not knowing in what to believe anymore.

"Are you serious right now? After everything that has happened, you still believe that things like this aren't true?" Jack raised his voice, clearly getting frustrated about him saying that.

"Jack, calm down. How are you so sure how I will die?" Anti tried calming him down, not wanting to start an argument.

"Because, if I hadn't agreed to do this, you would've already been dead. So if you don't do this, you will die, okay?!" Jack was clearly getting more and more angry, Anti's calming down method not working.

"Fine! I'll do as you ask. Just, tell me what the hell to even do." Anti decided that it would be the best if he agreed to do it. The only problem was, that he wasn't sure if this would be okay or not. He always knew that he was in his mind, but he could always get out of it. He never knew what could happen if he stayed in there forever. He was scared and didn't want to do this, but since Jack wanted to, he would.

"Okay, first let's get out of this place and eat. The  we would do what we have to." Jack said to him, now wanting to get as far away from the closet as possible. He looked at Anti for confirmation and got a nod. They both got up and went to the kitchen to make some food. Well, Anti was the only one that was cooking, while Jack was only sitting on his chair and drinking water, while scrolling through his phone. He slowly drank the water and smiled when he smelt the nice scent that came from the oven. He looked over and saw Anti baking something, he smiled and got off of the chair while taking his glass of water with him as well.

"What are you making?" Jack asked Anti, curiosity now showing on his whole face.

"I'm baking a chicken." Anti told Jack excitedly.

"Oh, you really know what I like. I'm guessing that you like this too." Jack smiled and Anti nodded in confirmation. Anti took out the cooked chicken out of the oven and smiled when he smelt the beautiful aroma that filled the whole room. Wanting to this to last forever.

Thank you for reading, I hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter and comment if I made some mistakes.
I love you all, bye!

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