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- Anti wanted this kiss to last forever, but like everything, the kiss was over. Their lips pulled apart and they both looked at each other, not wanting to take their eyes off of each other. Anti smiled and chuckled when he saw Jack blush and look away, not wanting to admit that he just did what he had done. Anti looked up at the sky, trying to find the sun, but it was already down and the moon was just starting to rise, giving it's small light on the planet. It was gorgeous, the small amount of stars that were visible made an enchanting look on the sky itself. Anti opened his mouth in awe, mesmerised by the beauty of the night sky. He looked back at Jack, wanting him to see it too, but Jack looked as if he was about to fall asleep.

He sighed and picked him up, grinning when he heard Jack's soft mumbling, trying to yell him that he didn't need him picking him up. Anti did it anyway and started walking to his house, satisfied at how this day turned out.

Jack on the other hand, was barely trying not to fall asleep. He didn't want to miss out of the things that might happen. He would be sad if something interesting happened and he just slept through it. After about ten minutes of walking, he wasn't doing anything except keeping his eyes open and concentrating only on doing that. He was tired and didn't want to do anything except looking around, but his body just did not allow him to do that. Just before he fell asleep, he noticed a pair of big green eyes and recognised them almost instantly. A quick shock went through his body and his heart thumped against his chest rapidly. Anti noticed his quickening heart beat and asked Jack what was wrong, but he just replied with a quiet nothing.

His eyes were still focused on the pair of eyes, staring right back at him with no emotion showed in them whatsoever. Jack wasn't really sure about what that thing could exactly be, but by the form that was barely visible, he could guess that it was that creature he saw when he was on the mountain. It was confusing to him though, it didn't do anything, it was just staring at him, like it wanted to tell him something. Even though Jack wanted to know what it's intend is, his body just could hold for any longer and he fell right to sleep, taking him deeper and deeper into darkness.

The darkness was present and the lightness was gone. There wasn't anything he could see. It was complete darkness, until he saw those same big green pair of eyes that he saw before he fell asleep. He looked at himself, his arms and legs, but he couldn't see anything. Yet, he could still see those creature's eyes. It terrified him, thinking that this was similar to what happened to him before. He didn't know if it was a dream or not, but he didn't care, because it scared him equally. He didn't want to go through this again, he really didn't. As much as he wanted to sleep, he would much rather wake up and sleep when he is home than experiencing this.

"No. This is not the same."

Jack looked around franticly, trying to figure out who said that. But, all he could see was darkness, except those eyes that were staring at him from the start.

"Are you trying to talk to me?" Jack asked the eyes, not wanting to sound insane.


"Um, why are you we watching me like that, can't you just come out of the darkness and let me see you?" Jack asked him, expecting it to show itself.

"You already saw me once, I don't want to be seen twice."

" Um, okay. What do you want from me anyway?" Jack asked, clearly annoyed by the fact that it didn't want to show itself.

"I want to talk."

"But I don't know what you even are, how do you expect me to talk to someone, or even something, that I know almost nothing about. At least tell me what you are." Jack replied, not sure if he made the right choice of words, fearing that he might have made a mistake.

"You cannot ask questions. You only answer."

"Sorry, but I just don't feel secure enough for you to be in my head and not tell me anything about you. So unless you want answers, you need to answer some first." He said back to it, now a little but more confident knowing that it probably wasn't any trouble.

"I could tell you, but that could be a lie."

"I don't care if you are lying to me, just tell me what you are!" Jack raised his voice, getting a but frustrated that it was not answering his question.

"I am known as a nightmare."

"Uh, what, why?!" Jack was now clearly confused, not understanding what he was saying. The way he talked was not something you heard everyday. He didn't talk monotone, but it was close enough when trying to describe it. Also, Jack felt as if he was a male, because if it's deeper voice. But maybe it was genderless and Jack was just making a fool of himself.

"Now I ask."

Jack sighed, but let go of the frustration that was building up in him.

"Fine, what do you want to know?" Jack asked, wanting things to get over with as soon as possible.

"I want to know if you have the same emotions as that demon."

"Anti? What do you mean if I have the same emotions at him? Do you mean if I love him as much as he loves me?" Jack asked, getting a quick and short answer.


Jack hesitated a little bit, not wanting to talk to it, but it seemed like he had no other choice. And why that question so suddenly, what does he even want to know. He didn't want to tell him. Not because he didn't want to, but because he, himself, didn't even know how he felt about him. It scared him, but he still had to answer, hoping that what he was going to say would be the truth. He really hoped he knew what he was going to say himself.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will see you next time!
I love you, bye guys!

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