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- The alarm went on when Jack had awaken from his sleep. He opened his eyes and looked around the room. It was his bedroom. He quickly looked over his phone and shut the alarm off, getting slightly annoyed at that sound. Groaning, he pulled the covers away and tiredly walked to the bathroom, getting ready for the new day. He was tired, but he didn't know why. It was like he just got out of a bad dream that he didn't even remember at all. It felt weird and he did not know what to do to stop that feeling.

Jack got out of the bathroom and got some clothes that he could wear for the day. Once he was fully clothed, he walked downstairs and went to the kitchen, a weird nostalgia coming from his heart. He didn't know why he was feeling like that, but he just continued to make food without feeling the need to cry over something that he didn't even recognise at all. He refused to act childish and all emotinal. He did not want to start the day being sad and not doing anything except feeling depressed and crying over something that never happened.

He made a salad and placed it on the table so he could eat. Grabbing a fork and diving in to devour his breakfast, he thought back what he did yesterday. He gasped once he realised that he couldn't remember what happened his previous day. It was only yesterday and he didn't remember anything that happened that day. He wasn't drunk. He didn't do anything that could make him forget what he did yesterday. It was just gone. Like that memory never really existed. It annoyed him a little bit, but he paid no special attention to it whatsoever. He didn't want to bother trying to remember something that probably wasn't important and what he had done yesterday. It just made him more tired and angry the more he thought about it.

Once he was done eating, he put the plate away and washed it, almost quickly falling into a state of sadness. He didn't know why, but he felt like he was missing something or maybe even someone. He didn't know why this was happening to him this morning, but he desperately tried to ignore that feeling. It didn't make him feel good, it made him feel really sad over something that he didn't know he lost.

It scared him. He didn't know what in the world was happening to him at the moment. He ran to the living room and sat in the couch, turning on the TV, he got the same feeling when he saw a specific type of documentary. It scared him even more and he didn't know what to do. He wanted this to stop. He never felt something like this. It was like dealing with something supernatural. He never had any experiences with ghost, or demons, or things that were related to them. And he was glad that he never did, because he was afraid of them and didn't want to see them at all, but now that this sort of thing that was happening to him, he simply did not know what to do in situations like these.

Running towards his bedroom, he quickly went under the covers with his phone. He turned it on and scrolled through Instagram, trying to calm himself down and watch cute animal videos. It worked and he laughed when he saw a dog chasing his own tail. It was probably dumb, but as long as it made him laugh, he really couldn't care less.

After a while of watching , he heard something walking towards him with heavy footsteps. Jack didn't want to look up, because he was scared to death and could not move at all. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He wanted to pull the covers away and see what is making that noise, but at the same time, he was scared and didn't want to find out what was after him. He let out a small whimper and cried inside when he heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, until they stopped.

Jack didn't move at all, scared that if he did it would be the end of it.  He closed his eyes and waited for something to happen.

He was right. That something did happen and before he could even react, he was hit in the head and blacked out.

After a while, Jack woke up to a complete darkness. His eyes widened and his heart started to thump rapidly in his chest. He didn't know where I'm the hell he was. It was all black. Nothing else was visible and he prayed that he would somehow make it out of he alive. He franticly looked around, trying to find something, but all he saw was darkness.

Trying to calm himself down, he closed his eyes and breathing in and out slowly. It worked and he was a bit calmer now than he was before. But, he still couldn't find anything that could help him find a way out.

After a couple of minutes if searching, Jack sighed and completely gave up. He thought that this was what death was like. Everyone thought that you either went to hell or heaven, but he guessed that this was not true at all.

Then, suddenly, a voice came from behind him. He turned around and gasped when he saw two green eyes staring at him.

"Who are you?!" Jack asked, trying not to sound scared, but failing completely.

"You remember nothing. Everything that happened was erased fully when he was no longer in this reality."

Jack crossed his arms, trying to understand what he was saying.

"What are you saying? Remember what?" He asked him.

"You can't remember something that was removed from this world yourself. But, I can manage to bring past memories back."

The creature close his eyes and completely disappeared. He was involved in darkness.

Once Jack saw those eyes again, an instant flash of memories flew towards his mind. Making him feel nauseated again.

He shook his head and suddenly knew why he was so sad this whole time. It was for missing someone. In this case it was Anti. He was missing Anti and was longing to see him again.

Thank you for reading, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and I hope that you are all doing fine and staying healthy in these times.
I love you, bye!

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