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- They both sat on the couch, trying to think of something that they could to to get rid of that shadow. They both never wanted it to be there, but the shadow thought differently and chose to live in their closet.

About ten minutes have passed by and all they ever thought about was to just hit that thing and hope that it would pass out. But, they still weren't sure about whether that would work or not, so they kept waiting until they figured something out.

"Anti, can't we just do that. I know that it's a little bit dangerous, but we haven't thought about anything yet and the only thing that we could think of to just hit it it hard enough so that he falls asleep." Jack said to Anti, getting inpatient about the whole situation.

"Jack, I know, just, I'm trying to think of anything that is less risky. I don't want us getting hurt or anything."

Jack sighed and looked away, not knowing what else to do. He looked at the floor and then at Anti, now wanting to do this.

"Anti, I don't care if I get injured, all I care is that I want that thing to get as far away from me and my house as possible." He looked at him, waiting for an answer.

"Jack, calm down. I'm sure that--"

"And I'm going upstairs." Jack interrupted him, making Anti frown at the way he reacted.

" Fine. But, don't cry if you do get hurt." Anti crossed his arms and went to the kitchen to grab something that he could use. He didn't choose a knife, since his aim was to hit and not to stab. He decided that a frying pan would do just fine. He grabbed it and went to find Jack. When he found him, Anti noticed that he managed to find a bag large enough so that the creatures head can fit through it.

"Let's go." Anti said to him and they both went upstairs, preparing themselves for anything that's going to happen.

They went in and looked at the closed closet door. Only silence was present in the room. Anti and Jack both looked at each other and nodded, walking slowly towards the door. Once they reached the door, Jack slowly, but quietly, leaned on it to hear if any sounds were made in there. There were none, but that didn't make Jack less scared. He looked at Anti and slowly opened the door, going inside of it and gesturing Anti to do the same.

When they were both inside, Jack gulped once he saw the creature still being there. It was crouched down and was still singing while holding the doll. Jack slowly walked behind the creature and looked back at Anti, looking to see if he was ready. He was and Anti nodded towards him to continue what he was doing. Jack looked back at the creature and closed his eyes, getting ready for what was about to happen.

He slowly opened them and stared at it's head for a couple of seconds, before throwing the bag over it. That was the moment everything went crazy, the creature went wild and started trashing around when it realised what was happening.

"Quick, hit it!" Jack yelled at Anti and he did exactly what Jack told him to do, smashing the pan and smiling when he saw the creature falling on the ground and not moving at all. He looked back at Jack and saw him smiling too, it was good and it felt like that too.

But, soon those smiles faded really quickly. The creature, who was previously released from Jack, has now jumped on Anti and grabbed his neck. It started to strangle him, but once it realise that it really didn't have any effect on him, it decided to do something else instead. Jack was running after him and tried to knock the creature out, but it used it's arm and swung it towards him, making Jack fall on the floor, near the wall.

The creature turned to Anti's face and, out of nowhere, on it's face appeared a mouth, or maybe some sort of an opening, and it used it to vomit out liquid into Anti's mouth that it opened with it's hands. Anti rolled his eyes back and an instant blackness came to his vision. He didn't feel like anything has entered his mouth, but at the same time he felt sick by it. He couldn't think anything anymore and blacked out.

Jack was screaming, tears starting to fall and not stopping at all. He got up and tried to push the creature away, but it only made it to turn around and grab his neck with it's hands, pulling him off of the ground. Jack tried to kick it with his legs, but that didn't do anything as the creature didn't react in any way. It just stood there and watched Jack trash around it and trying to get free of it's grasp.

"Fix her."  The creature said to him. Jack didn't know what to do and what to respond, so he only shut his mouth and didn't say anything back.

"The wife. Fix her!" The creature was clearly getting more and more angrier as time passed, but Jack could do anything except to stay quiet and look at it. The creature threw Jack against the wall and jumped in front of him, now even more angry.

It took Jack's head and backed it against the wall, making the wall red from his blood that escaped his head. Jack screamed, but he soon blacked out as well, drowning in the darkness and thinking that this is going to be over for his life. He didn't feel any pain from his head and he didn't feel the need to cry. He just drowned in the darkness and waited when he will see the light.

He waited...

And waited...

But, nothing happened. He didn't see the light and he was only in darkness. He didn't know where he even was. He didn't know what to do. He just hoped that everything will be alright and that Anti is going to be safe.

Thank you for reading and comment if you enjoyed it and if I made some mistakes.
I love you, bye!

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