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- After a couple of drinks, Jack was really drunk. He really didn't handle alcohol as well as Anti did. Even if they drinked the same amount, Anti still looked as if he never drank anything, which really amazed Jack. They were both standing at the same place they stood before, not wanting to go anywhere else in the bar.

Jack finished his 6th or 7th drink and order on more. Making a deal with himself to not drink anymore, or else he could do something really stupid that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Anti looked at him, but didn't say anything when he noticed that he ordered another drink. He didn't want  to, because he knew that Jack would be fine. He would just be a little bit unable to move.

Time passed and Jack, without any thinking whatsoever, order another one. Drinking it up quickly and ordering one more. Jack drank the last one and felt as if he could fall asleep right now. He wouldn't be ashamed at all. He looked at Anti and saw that he was looking at him with those dark green eyes. Jack stepped closer to him and grabbed Anti's wrist, making Anti jump a little by the sudden contact. Anti looked at him and then his hand on his wrist, looking back at him when he noticed that he was pulling it, signaling Anti to follow him. He did exactly that and followed Jack out of the bar, making sure that he would trip and fall on the ground.

"Where are we going?" Anti asked, stopping to steady Jack when he noticed that he was about to fall.

"I don't know, I just wanted to get out of that place. I became bored." Jack said back to him, getting ready to continue walking, but was stopped by Anti.

"If you don't know where you want to go, we could go to a park and sit on a bench if you'd like." Anti was now looking at him in the eyes, wanting an answer.

"Yeah, whatever, anything's better than that bar." Jack gave him the answer he was hoping for.

Anti nodded and took his hand, leading him to a park that was somewhere in the city. They walked for a couple of minutes, when Anti looked at Jack and decided that it would be the best if he was carried. He stopped and took Jack in his arms, carrying him throughout the whole walking and placing in the ground once they arrived at the park. They both walked and spotted a lot of benches that were empty. Anti decided that it would be the best if they sat on one that was in the middle of the park, not wanting to attract the attention of other people that might walk past them. Once they sat on a bench, Anti quickly, but gently, put an arm over him, feeling a little protective and not wanting anything to hurt Jack.

He looked at the sky and noticed that the sun was setting. The colors were beautiful and calmed him down. He turned his head to look at Jack and saw that he was looking at the sky too. Anti used his hand to ruffle Jack's hair and chuckled when he noticed his already red face, get even redder once he did that.

"The sky is beautiful, ain't it?" Anti asked him and Jack responded to him with slurred words.

"Yeah, it's so pretty."

"But, I thing you are prettier." Anti exclaimed and got worried once he realised what he had just said. He didn't want to ruin the date, he wanted everything to go okay, everything to be fine and well.

Jack, with an already blushed face, looked away, but came closer to him, putting his head on Anti's shoulder. Anti blushed for the second time that day, but was happy that his comment didn't make things worse and instead it made Jack get closer to him.

Anti noticed how Jack was really drunk at this point, and thought that maybe, just maybe, he could tell him that he loved him, without making him start an argument. He was weak and could barely walk, so he figured that he might have a chance of telling him that he truly loved him this time. He looked down at Jack's head and thought that he was asleep, until Jack pulled his head up and looked at Anti, thinking of something to say to him.

"So, Anti... It's getting pretty late, isn't it?" Jack asked him something, not wanting to just lay his head on his shoulder and fall asleep, missing everything that could happen if he didn't.

Anti looked away and then back at the sky, a little bit nervous about how he was going to tell him what he wanted to.

"Um, yeah, do you want to head back home? I can carry you if you don't want to walk" He said back, not wanting to get things awkward.

"No, I can stay here for a little bit more. It's fun having to spend time with you. " Jack said, making Anti nervous again.

"Oh, so, um... You are having fun right now?" Anti asked, wanting to hear Jack what he is hoping to say.

"Of course, you dummy, I had fun today. It was really fun." Jack replied and made Anti happy of what he said.

"Oh, uh, Jack, can I tell you something, but promise that you won't get mad." Anti asked him, waiting for an answer.

"I guess. What is it." Jack was now looking at his eyes, fully concentrated on what he was about to say.

"Yeah, so, I wanted to tell you something during our date and um, I don't know if it is okay to say it. I really don't want you to get mad." Anti fist made shure if he could even do what he wanted to. He turned his body more to his and made Jack do the same. Anti grabbed both of his flushed cheeks and prepared himself for what was going to happen.

"I promise I won't get mad." Jack said to him, looking him in the eyes.

" Here it goes. Jack, I don't know how else I could say it, but I... I love you. And I know that you don't, but I just wanted to say that to you. Also, could you willingly kiss me if I asked?" Anti finally said it. Jack at his hands on his cheeks and sighed.

"I guess, that you can kiss me." Jack said, leaning in and closing his eyes. Anti didn't believe it, but closed leaned in and closed his eyes too, not wanting this to be interrupted. Their lips connected and they both kissed as the sun went down. The kiss was slow and beautiful and not like any other kiss that he had in the past. He was happy and he was proud that he could make this happen.

Thank you for reading, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!
I love you, bye!

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