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- Anti was standing by the door, a shocked and worried expression plastered on his face. Without saying a single word, he took some steps and made his way towards me. Kneeling down and taking my hand in his, he softened his face, but the worry was still very visible on his face. I looked at our hands and tried to take mine off of his, but that only made him squeeze it more, so I decided to leave it there. My eyes then made their way to Anti where he was staring at me the whole time. Those dark green  orbs staring right at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah, I am. Why do you look so worried, and why are you asking me this?" I said, a little bit confused at the question he asked me.

"Well, you've been asleep for almost a week" he answered which made me have a shock expression now.

"What, how did that happen?!" I asked, hopping he would give me and answer, because at this moment I really needed one. How could I have been sleeping for seven days?

"I'll explain everything, but first you need to eat, you've lost all your energy and I doubt you could even walk" As he said that, I realised how much food and water my body needed, but the fact that I was asleep for a week and couldn't find out why was enough to make the hunger and me being hydrated go away. I asked to explain to me what had happen, but he denied and went out of my bedroom and straight to the kitchen to make food for me. With a frown and a sigh, I positioned myself to get up, but my legs were still numb and I couldn't move them, so I laid back on my soft pillow.

A couple of minutes passed and my mind was completely bored. Having nothing to do, I started humming a song and even though the humming came a little bit weak, it still made me feel better than doing nothing but waiting for Anti to come and get me food so I can eat and replenish my energy. The tapping of my fingers made the rhythm and the humming made me more relaxed.

I stopped to hum when I heard Anti walking towards my room, feeling embarrassed that he might've heard me.

The door was open, so I saw him walking with two plates in his hands, they were both very hot, considering the steam coming off of them, but nonetheless they looked very yummy and now, I simply could not resist the urge to eat, because my stomach grumbled like hell.

As he walked to my room, he smiled as he looked at my craving face. I tried not to blush, but the embarrassment made it hard not to.

He sat right next to me and handled me the plate.

There was some salad on the plate with some bacon and eggs, a pretty simple breakfast, but  very delicious. I took it sternly, trying not to spill it off.
With a thanks and with a smile , I started to quickly consume the food, Anti watched me for a couple of minutes and he too started to eat his food, but slower than I did.

When we were both finished, Anti took both of our plates and putting on the bedside table. There were also two glasses of water and he took one and handed it to me, with a s
Quick smile I took the glass and drank water from it as quickly as possible, but the dry sensation was still there and I asked if he could give me the other glass so I can drink from it.

When I finished, Anti mumbled something under his breath and the plates and glasses were gone, making me amazed at how much thing he could do with just saying some words.

He then turned to me and started to talk.

"Okay, so, I am going to tell you what I know and then going to ask you some questions, is that okay?" He asked and I nodded a yes.

"Well, when I woke up, you weren't there, so I started to call you, but I didn't hear an answer, so I got up and searched the whole house and you weren't there. I decided that you were probably out of the house and took out my phone and started to call you, but you weren't answering and that's when I became worried and started to look for you. I went in every place known for me in this town, but I couldn't find you. I went back to the house to see if you came, but your presence was not there. When it got dark, I started searching for you in the mountains, I doubted that I would find you there, but you presence was stronger so I continued with my search to find you. It took me some time, but nevertheless I found you laying on a white carpet with a red circle on it. You looked fine at first, but after a couple of tries to wake you up I didn't knew what to do, so I brought you to your bedroom and laid you there and waited for you to wake up yourself." He explained and I almost fainted because the realisation that that whole thing was not a dream  and that I truly had been through all of that.

"Now let's start with some questions,
What happened to you?" Anti asked.

"I--I don't know, the last thing I remember was that I got lost in the forest and that somehow I blacked out" I said

"Did you see anything unusual?"

"I don't remember"

"Hmm okay, do you know anything else?" Anti asked

"I--I said I don't remember!" I raised my voice, feeling tired and annoyed at the same time.

"Look, can we just forget about it? I am right here, I'm okay, there is nothing to worry about now, I'm safe!" I said.

"But, how can I? You weren't getting up for sev--"

"I know, but I don't have the strength to do it now, so could you please leave me alone and let me rest?" I asked with teary eyes. Anti sighed and got off the bed, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

I closed and rubbed my eyes and once I opened them, It was night time.

This whole tiredness is getting me crazy.

With my eyelids closing, I fell back to sleep.

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, comment if I made some mistakes.

Sorry I haven't updated for so long, it's just that school is taking a lot of time and I don't have enough to even write. I try to update as fast as possible.

But, anyway thank you all guys for watching and stay sweet. 💖💖💖

Bye! 💚

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