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- Jack was happy. He knew that everything would go okay and that he would have a less amount of problems to deal with after he would be done with all of this. He sat on his chair and looked over at the amazing food that Anti has made. It was delicious and it's looks weren't the only thing that were confirming that. Once he took a bite, his mouth started to water because of the tastiness in the whole chicken. It was so good. He wondered how Anti was really good at doing this. It was like he was born to be like this.

He looked over at Anti and nodded his head when he was asked about how the chicken tasted. Anti was proud of himself. He was never so proud of himself in cooking before. It made his heart warm up to see someone enjoying something that he, with his own mind and hands, made. It was a really good feeling and even though he knew that it would not last for long, he still was sure to remember this feeling and moment forever. He looked down at his and started eating it with great satisfaction.

Time has passed and they were both finished with their meal. They stood up at the same time and bickered a little about who should wash the dishes. Jack won, obviously, because Anti already made the food, it wouldn't be fair if he just let him to do even more. He turned the water on and started washing them, slowly thinking about the whole thing that is going to happen once he was done. To be honest, it scared him a little bit. He didn't know what to do and how to even feel about this. Jack remembered that Anti said to him that he wasn't really sure about all of this, but he still tried to think more positively and not worry about the things that might go wrong and instead, he thought about everything that could go wrong and that for sure made him feel a lot more better. He was prepared, mentally and  physically. He would not let anything change his mind. He wanted to do it and after a while of being in a dilemma, he finally decided that it would be best if they really did do this thing. It would be good for the both of them.

Finishing the last plate, he dried his hands and sat in his chair, thinking about the things he needed to do. Okay, so first we both need to not feel anything. I think that would be pretty easy. Then we both need to close our eyes and I needed to do something. What was that? Oh, yeah, I needed to invite him into my mind. It would probably be easy, right. I really, really hope so. Jack looked around the room and sighed when he realised that he was making a big deal out of nothing. He just made a small hill into a big mountain that was probably never gonna go down.

Getting off of the chair he went to find Anti and saw him sitting on the couch in the living room, watching TV. He walked over to him and sat next to him, looking him in the eyes with determination.

"Are you ready?" Jack asked him, looking into his eyes to find an answer. Anti nodded his head and took Jack's hands in his, noticing Jack's face change once he did that.

"Anti, you know that the first step to do this is to not feel literally anything, right?" Jack asked him and Anti quickly removed his hands form Jack's and blushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I was just wanting to make sure that you were are doing okay. I hope I'm not upsetting you. " Anti said back to him in a more quieter tone, making Jack giggle at his sudden reaction. He looked at Anti and scratched the back of his head.

"Anti, you really don't need to worry about me, I'm really fine. Like, really." Jack said and closed his eyes, letting anti know that he needed to do the same thing.

"Okay, first we have to get rid of any emotions for the time we are doing this. Then, we need to close our eyes, but we already did that, so we don't need to do that. And finally, I need to invite you into my mind so that you can enter in it and be alive and not dead. Got it?" Jack asked him and waited to hear his answer.

" Yeah, I got it." Anti said and breathed deep in and out, trying to let go of any emotion that was present with him right now and forget everything that has caused him to feel something. Once he did that, he waited for Jack to say what he needed to say and to finish what he wanted to for a while now.

Even though Anti made his way through those emotions, Jack still could not let some out. He tried and tried really hard, but that was just making it even harder for him to let go. After a couple of minutes, he realised that he might never release those emotions. Sure, he knew that he had to do it for a couple of minutes, but he wasn't sure how to do it exactly. He thought that he was going to be ready for this, but it turned out that he would have some difficulties doing what he needed to do.

After a while of not succeeding at what he had to do, he almost thought of giving up and never doing this ever again. But, just when he thought about that, he suddenly became a person with no emotions whatsoever. He quickly welcomed anti into his mind and once he did that, he somehow saw something in his forehead open with a sudden crack. It didn't feel painful, infact it didn't feel like anything.

Jack knew that something was going inside it and he guessed that it was Anti himself. Once there was nothing else, he opened his eyes and saw that Anti wasn't there anymore, but rather in his mind.

He looked around and once he realised that he couldn't see or let Anti out, he started panicking. And right after doing that, it was like his whole time with him being with Anti flashed quickly through his very own eyes. His eyes rolled over and he blacked out.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope that you liked this chapter and comment if I made some mistakes.
I L U, bye!

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