24. Who do you think was her first kiss?

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Lou's POV

The past week Betty was sleeping at our trailer. She basically moved in since she hated being home with her creepy-ass brother. 

For me that was a getaway card, my father agreed that I could live with Sweet Pea for that time because there was barely space for four people in the trailer so that's where I am living currently. At Sweet Pea's and Fang's trailer.

Today was a school Hall event due to our new running mates for student council president. 

"Now just a reminder that this is a school Hall PTA-Sponsored event, Oh, we have our first question", Alice Cooper told us all signaling Sweet Pea to ask his questions. 

Dear lord, please don't let him sound stupid.

"Yeah, No offense to the current administration but it feels like no one's looking out for the students that are being bused in from the Southside. Will that change?", my boyfriend asked making me look at him shocked, I never knew he was interested in political stuff. 

"Absolutely, Sweet Pea, it's our priority. No one should be marginalized or excluded", Jughead responded making the tall Serpent and his short friend next to me roll their eyes. 

"Jughead and I will be representing all students, North and Southside alike", Betty responded smiling. "Next question, yes Midge", Alice mumbled quiet nervous. 

"My question is for Archie and Veronica. Rumors have it that your parents will soon be on opposite of the mayoral election, won't that negatively affect your working relationship?", the cute girl asked. 

"Archie and I adhere to the old maximum, Politics ate never discussed at the diner or the cafeteria table", Veronica responded making everyone except the Serpents and Betty chuckle. 

"Veronica and I are on the same page, including her family's plans for a prison", Archie added earning boo's. "You suck!", I yelled making everyone chuckle. 

"In the meantime, we're committed to improving life at Riverdale High. More extracurriculars-", Veronica tried to save the situation but was cut off by Josie who was campaigning with Reggie, why so ever. 

"Reggie and I agree, except add the fact that we can and will deliver results", she smiled. "And we're chill unlike these guys", Reggie added making the crowd chuckle yet again. 


After the event, I walked out with my father since he caught up with me due to me barely ever being home. 

"FP you should be ashamed. Letting my sweet innocent daughter live in sin in that trailer", Alice Cooper snapped. My father took her out of the spotlight as they walked to a wall. 

"You think I am a fan of this? I'm sleeping on my couch while Jughead is sleeping in my room and Betty in Lou's, my daughter moved out, so that your daughter could have a bedroom", my father whisper yelled. Making her feel bad even though he was sleeping in his own bedroom.

"You two are doing that?", Alice asked stunned. I responded with a simple nod not really thinking of it as a punishment.

"Look, Alice, take that from a guy whose children chose being homeless over living with their old man. Make things right with her before it's too late", dad told the blonde woman before wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 

"Excuse me for a second, I have to make a call", I told the two adults giving them some privacy. I went outside and dialed Cheryl's number. 

I hadn't heard from her in over a week and I was starting to worry. And again she didn't pick up, that is so not Cheryl, I hope she isn't mad at me. 

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