The Stone Army

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(The ninjas face off with an exhibit of a stone samurai warrior that the toxic venom from the Great Devourer has brought to life. And the children of Garmadon meet their mother.)

Season Two: Episode Seven
Words: 1.8k

"Ugh," I yell as the alarm clock blasts annoying ringing.
Lloyd uses his power and destroys it, "is it Wednesday already?"

I groan realizing it is, "Sunrise exercise."
"I hate sunrise exercise," Jay whines as Sensei enters the room, "good morning. Up, up. It's a new day students."

I shift my shirt over my eyes as he opens the blinds, "before we begin, I noticed the dragons made another mess outside, mostly Lloyd's dragon."

"Not my problem," I quickly change into my shirt while the others make up lame excuses.
"Ah. You might've been able to dump chores on me when I was smaller, but I'm grown now."

All the others stop at the door and turn around, "you're right Lloyd. We need to settle this like men."

"Hey," I yell.
"Fine," Kai says, "like men and women."
"With a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp!"

Lloyd puts in rock while we all put in paper, "haha! Paper beats rock!"


"I always have to do the dirty work," Lloyd groans, cleaning up the mess.
"Hey, having a pet dragon requires a lot of responsibility," Cole says.
"Yeah," I grunt in the middle of my sentence, "tell me about it."

"You okay," Zane asks as I make a face of discomfort, my whole body hurting before the feeling is gone, "Yeah, just felt weird."

"Didn't you're mom ever let you have a pet," Jay asks making me growl.
"We don't talk about her," I snap.
"She abandoned me when I was really young," Lloyd explains.
"She just left," Kai asks, "who took care of you?"

"Well, (y/n) did until people found out. They brought me to Darkly's boarding school."
The alarm goes off just as Lloyd finishes talking.
"I have a mission for you guys," Nya runs out, "it's the Museum if History! They've asked for you guys! Something really strange has happened."

"You're gonna have to see it to believe it."


We get to the museum and the owner walks up to us, "quickly, come this way."
He leads us down the hall. "
The Stone Warrior exhibit opens to the public tonight, and this couldn't have come at a worse time."

"Uh... What couldn't have come at a worse him," Kai asks as I walk along side him.
"Ninjago City appreciates your help in destroying the Great Devourer some time back, but it appears its toxic venom has seeped into the city sewer system and has had the most unusual after-effect."

"Argh," I groan as I walk closer to it just to cover my nose and mouth, "it's stinks."
He opens the door and it reveals a bunch of little stone warriors that are...alive?

"The toxicity in the venom somehow brought the merchandise to life! They're so unruly," he says as they knock down different pots.
One jumps of Zane and hits him in the face.

"We've got this covered," Jay says, "I think we can handle a few toys."
We all start fighting and destroying the toys.
Some surround me, while more get behind me, tripping me.
"Stupid toys," I yell destroying one that landed on my head.

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