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September 7th, 2016.

"Aaliyah! It's time for breakfast!" my mom shouted from downstairs.

I was just getting out of my joint bathroom from taking my shower. I sighed thinking that I really don't want to go to school today but I guess I don't really have a  choice. After drying and putting lotion on my skin, I put my out fit on for the day and pulled my hair into a curly, puffy ponytail. 

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                                                      (Picture her with this hairstyle

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                                                      (Picture her with this hairstyle.)

After doing that, I collected my bag, charger, phone and my car keys.

Making my way downstairs I received a message from my best friend Ashley.

{ Text Mode }

From Ashley : Hey bestfriend where you at?

To Ashley : Hey girl, I'm still at home. Now about to have breakfast.

From Ashley : Alright bet. Tell momma and dad I said good morning and bring me some food. A      bitch is hungry!

I laughed a little at that last text replying with a simple 'lol alright'.

End Of Text Mode

"Good morning momma,"I kissed her cheek. "good morning daddy,"I kissed his cheek as well.

"Good morning baby girl. You need me to take you to school?"My father asked me then sipped his coffee.

"Awww how sweet."I poked his shoulder lightly, "But no thanks I'll drive myself today."I nicely declined making two plates for me and Ashley so we can have breakfast together.

"Oh! Aaliyah don't forget you gotta pick up the things on the list I gave you yesterday for dinner tonight."my mother reminded me.

"Yes mother I won't forget. By the way Ashley said to tell you guys good morning."I said putting our food in a take away bag.

"Tell her we said it back and to make sure and come to dinner tonight."My momma said sitting in my father's lap while he say at the table.

"Alright parents of mine,"I picked up my bag to leave, "I'm about to leave. Be on your best behavior..."I warned squinting my eyes at them. They just laughed and waved me off. I walked away from from them yelling a ' love you guys'.

Closure.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu