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Ashley's P.O.V

I stretched in the bed with my eyes still closed as I attempted to wake up. I turned off my alarming phone and checked my notifications before heading to my ad joint bathroom to take care of my hygiene.

Once I was done doing that, I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. School resumed already and boy was I trying to fall back into the groove of things. Kinda wasn't ready for it to start back but, that just wasn't in my control.

I grabbed the eggs and bacon from the fridge  and whatever else I needed to make my breakfast and started. I decided to make enough for Liyah and Carlos since I was already doing it.

Carlos been staying here a lot since the whole kidnapping thing and I seen it put a lil bit of ease everyone, especially Aaliyah for obvious reasons.

Once I was done preparing the eggs, bacon and toast, I made my plate and sat down at the island to eat. I closed my eyes in satisfaction as I devoured my tasty meal.

"Good morning," I opened my eyes to see Carlos just making his way into the kitchen. I swallowed my food before speaking.

"Morning, I made enough if you want some." I took a sip of my Hot Chocolate while he made his way around the kitchen.

"Cool thanks. You happy to be back in school?" He said getting out a plate to make to eat.

I shrug,"Still getting used to it. I knew I had to go back eventually." He nodded in understanding.

Taking a seat across from me, he sat down and began to eat. My phone then vibrated on the counter. Picking it up and seeing it was Lucas telling me he was on his way to pick me up I responded with a simple "Ok" and finished eating.

"So father to be. You excited?" I asked breaking the silence as I watch a slow grin form on his face.

"I am. I'm a lil nervous though. I don't wanna fuck up." He frown after speaking.

"Awe don't worry to much about it. You'll do just fine." I gave him a reassuring smile.

He chuckles,"Thanks Ash. By the way did you ever talk things out with Lucas?" 

"No problem. And I mean, I told him how I felt and he said he'd do better." I shrug.

He nodded, "Aight, fair enough." After that we both made small conversation and finished eating. 

I grabbed my things and left the apartment after telling Carlos to let Aaliyah know I was leaving since she was asleep. I walked over to the car and got in putting my seat belt on.

"You mad at me?" He asked once I was inside. 

"No." I got out my phone to busy myself. He smacked his lips.

"So why you being dry with me. Wassup?" He said turning in his seat to face me. I sighed.

"I'm not being dry. You asked me a question and I answered it." I said as calm as possible.

He looked at me for a minute not saying anything.

"Aight cool. Bet." He started the car and we rode to school in a uncomfortable silence.

When he pulled up to the school and parked, I got out not even waiting for him to walk me to class like we usually do.

I walked into class and everyone got quiet looking at me. It's been like this since I started a few days ago. Of course they heard about Aaliyah being kidnapped or abducted and had something to say about it. It's honestly annoying because it's like they have no freaking discretion.

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