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Ashley's P.O.V

"That play was amazingly funny.I enjoyed myself." I smiled up at Lucas.

We were now leaving the theater and about to go get something to eat. Tonight has been so nice and laid back. I really liked Lucas' company and he's kinda cute. I mean lest's face it, he's  babe.

He chuckles, "I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself. Maybe we should do this again sometime.." he suggested gazing at me. I held his gaze a while longer before looking away from his eyes to the side then back at him again smirking. "Already asking me out on a second date huh? You don't waste any time I see." I teased.


We were now at my door step saying good night.

"I really had a great time with you tonight." I admitted.

"So did I." He takes hold of both her hands caressing them tenderly.

"I guess I'll see you around then Ashley." 

"I guess you will Lucas..." I gazed into his eyes trying not to blush.

"Good Night."

"Bye," and with that I turned around and entered the apartment.

Furrowing my eyebrows as I made my way further inside, I hear commotion going on. Walking into the living room I thought my eyes were deceiving me.

" Uhh.....Hi?" Announcing myself awkwardly. 

"Oh hey Ash, he was just leaving." Aaliyah said eyeing Carlos.

"Umm don't let me interrupt you guys I'm gone ahead to bed." I excused myself.

Carlos' P.O.V

"I wish I never did it...Then maybe you'd be mine." I took a seat on her couch.

She sighed looking down at her feet. "You should probably go." She said looking towards the door.

"Answer me one thing first before I go." 

"Carlos what do you want?" She asked annoyed.

"Do you still love me?" I know it catch her off track but I needed to know.

"No, I don't. Now can you leave? Please?" She looks at me pleadingly. Sighing take one last glance at her then left her apartment.


Aaliyah's P.O.V

Sighing, I went to lock the door making sure it was secure or what not. Totally exhausted from that little reunion with Carlos I proceeded to take a shower and just relax. Once I was done in the bathroom I made my way to my room to put some clothes on. After that I wasted no time in going to bed. Ash and I can talk about some things in the morning on a fresh mind.

Waking up to the sound of my stupid alarm, I raised up out of bed and turned my alarm off. Yawning and stretching at the same time, I got out of bed proceeding to do my daily morning routine. After taking a shower and doing my facial routine, the smell bacon and eggs hit my nose and I got kinda excited to go see what Ash had prepared so I hurriedly got dress and made my way to the kitchen.

As I approach the smell got stronger and I swore my mouth started watering.

"Would you stop drooling already and have some." Ashley request with her back still facing me.

"Good morning to you too." I said grabbing a plate. After I stacked my plate up with pancakes, bacon, sausage and eggs. I grabbed a mug and poured me some coffee and sat at the table with Ashley for breakfast.

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