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Hey y'all! How are you guys doing? I'd really like to know.

I'm doing alright, just got a slight head ache. I want to take time out before I start this chapter to thank you guys for reading my story. Those of you that were here since day one when I couldn't write as good as I do now. I appreciate all of y'all.

Anyway, in the last chapter Aaliyah and Carlos sort of made up but Aaliyah and Ashley were on rocky grounds. Lets see what takes place next...

~ Anie

~ Anie

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23|10|2017. At University.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

"In this scene she's frustrated and confused because the man of her dreams hurt her. She feels betrayed and misled. That's what I need from you Aaliyah. I need to see that hurt. I need to hear it in your voice, that vulnerability and brokenness, I need to feel that."

"I don't think I can-"

"I do. I believe in you. This is why you're here to full fill your dreams as an actress right?" 

I sighed, nodding my head. 


"I believe in you. You can do this." Professor Smith said. Getting behind the scenes once again.

I laid my palm on my forehead feeling a slight head ache coming on. I love acting I do, I just don't like to fact of having to think and dwell on my hurtful past. I guess I have to own it?

"Alright, let's do this scene again. Lora take your place and John don't forget your cue, when she says 'You left me' that's when you dime the lights. Now everyone be quiet." He said through the mic.

I made my way back to where I stood in this scene and took a deep breath.

Alright Aaliyah dig deep.

"And action!"

Sobs softly, "Why'd you leave? I need you."

"I had to, I just didn't belong there anymore."  

"And you never once thought about me? How it made me feel? Huh?" My voice tremble as I say the words.

"Of course I did! I never stop thinking about you!"

"Do you know what I went through when you left! I had no one! No one but you! And in the end you were gone too. You left me." The lights dimmed and the scene was over.

Thank God.

"That was better, still needs some convincing but that's something we can work on. Great job everyone! Go over your lines, this show is very important for your grades." Professor Smith said.

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