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Hey beautiful people of Earth and all other planets. Here's another update for you guys.

Warning, it's about to be a lot of crazy shit happening so hold on to you screens cause you might wanna scream.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

Today was the day that Carlos will be leaving me again, to resume his training. I don't even think he should do this stupid fight.

We had already left to drop him off at the airport and I can feel myself catching an attitude. This boy don't know what he's done and is still doing to me.

The car ride was quiet with the radio playing softly in the background to ease the awkwardness. We pulled up at the airport and it really hits me that he's leaving again.


I handled that better than I thought. I mean I still cried my eyes out but that's okay. It's fine.

I entered my apartment and locked the door once it was closed then grabbed myself a bottle water and drank ¾ of it and then sat in one of the many plush couches Ashley and I share.

I laid my head back as I stretched out my tired legs on it. I was drifting into I nice slumber until I got a text on my phone. I groaned and went through my purse to find my phone.

I wonder how Carlos would feel about this?- Unknown

Attached was a picture of two persons kissing in what looked like a car.

I furrowed my eyebrows and zoomed in on the picture more and when I saw who it was my eyes widen.

The breath in my lungs disappeared.

The photo was of Marcus and I when he kissed me. I haven't told Carlos yet and he just left.

The person's number was blocked so I could respond to their msg.

This can't be happening. I got up and frantically began looking around the house but didn't find anything suspicious.

Just then another text came through.

Why do you look so shaken up love? You scared?-Unknown

I began to shake in fear when the door opened revealing my best friend.

"Bitch why you look like you seen a damn ghost. What's wrong with you?" She said closing the door behind her.

"Ugh not-" I cleared my throat. "Nothing. How was Lucas'?"

She pursed her lips and looked at me like I was dumb or something.

"You know better than to try and lie to me Liyah. Come on now." She came and pulled me onto the comfortable couch.

I sighed and handed her the phone.

"Your pregnant ass still sad about losing the bet on that tile game. I told you-". She stopped herself once she seen what I was showing her.

"The fuck?" She said with her nose scrunched up.

That's what I said.

I ran my fingers through my hair and my other hand resting on my stomach.

"Who the fuck is that- is that Marcus?!" She yelled and looked at me.

You know that feeling you got as a kid when you know you did something bad and your parents confronts you about it? That's how I felt at the moment.

Damn she always tryna be somebody's mama I swear.

"Aaliyah Cole. What were you thinking kissing that boy?" She looked at me crazy.

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