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Mr. and Mrs. Cole..

The nerve he have. Standing up for Broke's ass. I swear if he didn't pull me off I would've gone ape shit on her freaking face. Got me sinning my soul for supidness.

I rolled my eyes thinking about what happened earlier at school. Walking through the lanes as I located what was on the list my mom gave me for dinner tonight. After getting everything and putting them in the cart, I decided to pick up a few snacks for Ash and myself since we would be having a sleepover after dinner. After I paid for everything I left the grocery and was on my way home.

Pulling up in my driveway, I seen a car that I knew all to well if we're being honest.

Pulling up in my driveway, I seen a car that I knew all to well if we're being honest

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I squinted my eyes in annoyance that he's here. Why is he even here? Sighing I turned my car off, I grabbed everything and walked up the driveway pressing the lock button on my keys. Walking into the house I hear laughing.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cole, with all due respect I don't think Liyah would want me here."He said.

"Why do you say that son? Something happened between you too?"I heard my father asked.

I slammed the door shut so they'll know that some one was entering the house.

"Oh! Hi darlin. Did you get everything?"my mom asked.

"Hey momma, yeah I did."I mumbled not looking at or acknowledging Carlso standing in the corner.

"Baby girl what's wrong?"my dad asked. I rest the bags down and made my way over to him. I smiled at him then kissed his cheek. "Nothing daddy, I'm fine."I turned and was making my way upstairs to my room. I hope he's not staying for dinner.

I heard foot steps behind me as I walk. I didn't pay them any mind, walking into my room closing my door but before it's fully closed a body passes through it. I looked up at him with hard eyes.

"Hey..."he smiled. I rolled my eyes at him and walked to my closet to find something to take a quick nap in before dinner.

"Are you really about ignore me Liyah?"he asked from behind me. I scoff, changing my clothes right in front of him. Not like he haven't seen me before.

Just as I finished pulling my shorts up he gripped my waist from behind. "You know you can't ignore me for to long bug."he said placing a kiss on my neck. I closed my eyes tight as he did that.

"What are you doing here Carlos? Shouldn't you be with Broke?" I asked twisting my face up as I said her name. I pulled away and looked up at him. He sighed, "Man why you always gotta bring her up? I'm not tryna hear all that mama." he said grabbing my hands, I frowned and snatched them away from him.

"You really think after what you did to me that we'd still be friends?"I asked looking at him expectantly. 

He looked down at his feet then back up at me, "You know I didn't mean any of those things Aaliyah. There's a reason why I did the things that I did."

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