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Hey my loves! First off let me say thank you for 608 reads! I really do appreciate all the support I've been getting from you guys. Please let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I wanna be more interactive with y'all.

Anywho, enjoy this update ❤.


Alonzo hissed in pain as the nurse changed his band aids and curses under his breath.

"Shit." He says.

Alonzo was being discharged today and while he was experiencing a lot of pain, he was very happy to go home.

He only feels that way because of the medication he's on which is why the doctor prescribed him some new medication that he'll let Mia pick up for him on their way to his apartment.

Ashley's been feeling a bit out of it since her break up with Lucas. Scratch that, she's been really out of it since the breakup and it honestly taken a tole on her for the worst.

She hasn't been able to get much sleep and it's evident in her eyes. She felt like life just couldn't get any worst than it is now. She hasn't seen or heard from Lucas since their breakup four days ago. Not in school, not on the street, the grocery store nothing. It's like he just disappeared.

He hasn't even been posting on his Snapchat. And he loves his Snapchat.

Ashley sat on her bedroom floor, legs folded under her as she looks at the stick in her hands. Tears rolling down her face. Thinking about how Lucas spoke to her a few days aga, she breaks down into heart wrenching sobs.

Aaliyah hears her faint cries and waddled her eight months and a half pregnant self towards Ashley's door knocking on the door.

"Ashley, you okay in there?" She asked but only heard her best friend crying her heart out.

She opens the door and frown almost instantly at the sight. Sighing, Aaliyah kneels down in front of Ashley and pulls her into her chest as best as she could in attempt to console her.

"Shh it's okay. It's gonna be alright." Ashley drops the stick in her hands drawing Aaliyah's attention to it.

Aaliyah furrowed her eyes before she widened them in shock still holding a distraught Ashley in her arms.

Once Aaliyah got Ashley to calm down she picks it up.

Once Aaliyah got Ashley to calm down she picks it up

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"Ashley, look at me baby girl."
Sniffling Ashley looks up at her best friend.

"Did you tell him?"

Ashley shook her head no earning a sigh from Aaliyah.

"You need too. You're going to right?" Aaliyah said with raised eyebrows.

"No." Ashley shook her head looking down at her hands.

"Why the hell not Ashley Montgomery?"

"I tried to call him a few days ago but he never picked up." She said starting back up her tears fest.

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