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Aaliyah's P.O.V

I walked into my class feeling happy. Today I think it's going to be a good day. Aside from me finding out that I had a whole brother that I didn't know anything about, life's been great to me. My man is great, my best friend is great. Alonzo and I even got a little bound going.

When I told me we were siblings I wasn't shock for long because I then became angry and confused. Angry because ever since I was a little girl I've always expressed to my parents how much I wanted a sibling and I never got one. That is until now. Confused because I couldn't understand why my parents kept us from each other. 

Turns out Alonzo's mother and my father were together before my father married my mother. And in the time they spent together, Alonzo was created. I'm somewhat still angry because all this time has gone by and I'm afraid that we wouldn't be able to have a strong bound as a brother and sister would have if they grew up together.

"Girl, I can't wait for a break. I mean I love acting but I like being able to sleep in sometimes." Ashley says taking her seat.

"Please. You wish you could sleep in every day." I rolled my eye playfully.

"Bitch I don't." She says.

"Sounds like you tryna' convince yourself." I sat in my seat to get started for the day. I had a smile on my face since I woke up.

Ashley eyed me weirdly. " What's got you so smiley?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

I shrug still smiling like I ate cake or something. " Just in a good mood that's all." 

"Well you should be in a good mood all the time." She took her note pad out.


Class flew by really fast and I was glade. That meant that I can go visit my baby at the gym. Carlos is a fitness trainer/coach/professional Boxer and him and his mentor Rico opened the gym together after Carlos graduated high school.

On my way to the gym, I stopped by this really good grill food place to pick him up some lunch. I stood in the line waiting to place my order. Pulling my phone out, because it was ringing. I answered it once I seen that it was Alonzo.

"Hello, big brother." I teased into the phone. He chuckles.

"Hey sis. What you up too?" I walked up into the line. There was only two persons in front of me now.

"I'm just getting lunch for Carlos. Why, what's up?" I asked.

"Oh word? I just wanted to check in on you. I missed out on a lot in your life and I don't want to miss any more of it." I pouted a little because he was being such a sweetheart. 

"Aww. Alonzo don't make me start crying in this restaurant." I faked a sob catching a few concerned stares. He laughs a little which cause me to smile. I actually love having a big brother. It's so refreshing.

"You wouldn't mind spending some time with me afterwards would you?" He asked.

"Sure. What'd you have in mind?" 

"Maybe bowling?" I've actually never been to bowling. I imagined it'll be fun.

"Sounds like a plan." I was then next to make my order. "Uh Alonzo, hold on one sec." 

"Alright." I made my order and decided that I'd eat later when I go out with Alonzo.

When I finished giving my order I only had to wait a couple minutes to get my food then I left. 

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