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Hey y'all, thank you guys for your patience with the progress of this book. I've been busy with work and I just haven't got the time or chance to update until now. But I have pre-written and pre-read this chapter along with chapter 22 & 23 so you guys are getting three updates back to back today. Please enjoy these next few updates and let me know what you think.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

I woke up with a bazzar headache. My temples throbbing in pain.

It was so bad my eyes began to water. I don't understand why this would be happening.

I slowly sat up and steadily made my way to my bathroom connected to my room looking through the cabinet for any pain relievers.

After I found them, I went to the kitchen and made some hot chocolate to have before I took the pills.

School was still out for vacation so I didn't have anywhere to go. After the headache eased up, I took a shower and put on some comfortable clothing.

I'm not showing yet but if you felt my stomach it was kinda hard.

While in the middle of fixing my hair, I got an incoming call from Marcus.


"Good morning beautiful."

I blushed a little. I don't know why he always flirts with me when he knows I'm taken and pregnant.

"What do you want nigga?"

He chuckles, "I was hoping to spend the day with you. If you're not busy."

I thought about it for a minute. I have mentioned to Carlos that Marcus and I do talk and hang out sometimes so he shouldn't think anything of it.

"What are we gonna do?"

"It's a surprise."

I smacked my lips. "I hate surprises though…"

"Well you're gonna love this one. I'll be there to pick you up in fifteen minutes."

He hung up before I can even reply.

I sighed. Seeing that I just showered and stuff, I'll just do some laundry to pass the time.

I'm now nine weeks into the pregnancy and I'm now starting to get the swallon feet symptoms and the getting tired often. I eat a lot more of course. I pee like six times a day.

And I still do get morning sickness but not as bad as before. Which I'm grateful for.

I haven't spoken to Carlos since the last conversation we had about me not knowing if I wanted to keep the baby or not. I know he probably just got angry at the fact that I didn't even think to communicate with him first but it's not like I went and got an abortion or something.

I feel like he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. I just want to do things right this time and he's not even going to be here throughout this process. It's going to be hard doing this on my own. Which is why I did what I did the first time I got pregnant.

Once I had put all of the washed clothes in the dryer, I went to make myself a ham and cheese sandwich and I got a bottle of water.

Just as I took my second bite the door bell rang indicating that Marcus was here.

I grabbed my sandwich in a paper towel and I shoved my water in my purse.

"Ash, I'm leaving!" I informed her.

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