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Today's classes went by pretty fast. I was now leaving my final class of the day and I couldn't wait to leave campus. 

Walking out of the north entrance of the university I made my way across the parking lot to get to my car. 

I couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching me. You know that feeling you get when you know someone's watching you? That's the feeling I got.

I looked to my left and saw nothing but a couple trees and parked cars. I then looked to my right and saw basically the same thing.

Shaking the feeling away, I got into my car, starting it I drove out of the student parking lot and then out of the university compound completely.

After driving for about thirty minutes, I arrived at the apartment and seen Carlos' car there still. A smile crept onto my face as the memories of last night floods my head. 

I parked the car and secured it before going into the apartment. The smell of cookies hitting my nose as I entered through the first doorway connecting the kitchen with the living room.

"You're home." He said standing up from the couch in the living room to approach me. When he was close enough his arms snaked around my waste, my arms automatically circling around his neck. He leans down and I met him the rest of the way as our lips connected.

"I missed you." He said against my lips.

I giggled, "I've missed you too." He kissed me one last time before taking my hands and leading me back to the kitchen where he had a batch of cookies out on the counter. I smiled at this.

"You made these?"I asked with a smile as I sniffed them. They smelled delicious. Carlos always knew how to cook and bake, and I think it's safe to say that I've missed this side of him.

"I thought I'd do something special for you." He said, a blush coating his gorgeously shaped face. 

I turned to him gently grasping his face in my hands and looked up at him with a smile. "Thank you baby. I'm sure I'll enjoy them."


After I was done with my shower Carlos and I were laying in the living room on the coach.

I was laying with my back against his chest, his left arm hugging my waist and his other arm behind his head.

I laced our fingers together looking back at him as he smiled down at me.

He brushed his lips against mines before covering my lips with his juicy ones.

I smiled against his lips. It started out so innocent and sweet but then turned into  so much more.

It's almost as though he was longing for me same for me. It began to get heated and I was now straddling him while we feast off of each other.

His hands gripped my butt roughly, but it only turned me on more.

I began to to trail kisses down his neck. I kissed, sucked and nibble on him until I got back to his lips and devoured those too.

"Oh God, can you please get a room?" We pulled apart to see Ashley standing at the doorway covering her eyes.

I whipped the corner of my mouth a little. My cheeks heating up in embarrassment that we got caught doing that.


Later that night Carlos left making sure to mention that he has something he wanted to talk to me about when he saw me again.

I tried to get him to spill before he left but of course he didn't tell me shit.

The rest of the week went by pretty well and fast but Carlos still hasn't told me what he said he had to talk about and so today, I am going to find out.

When I got home from school I took a shower, made myself a fruit salad and waited for him to get here after I texted him to come over.

Coupled minutes later, he arrived at the apartment and once he was inside, we sat down at the island in the kitchen.

"So? What is it that you have to tell me?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

He cleared his throat before speaking.

"I'm starting training in a few days." He finally said.

"That's it? I thought it was something more the way you've prolonged telling me." I laughed lightly.

Carlo's P.O.V

She laughs while shaking her head a bit.

"That's not all baby." I said nervously.

The smile slowly left her face as she looked at me with a confused face.

"Okay." She said giving me her full attention.

"The training won't be here in California." I'm kinda scared to see how she's gonna react to what I'm about to tell her.

"Carlos stop beating around the bush and tell me what is going on." She demanded.

"Training is in Germany." I finally let's out.

She just looks at me.

"Germany? For how long?"

"Nine months..."

She frowned.

"When do you leave?" She asked playing with her fingers.

"May 13th." I said softly hoping that she didn't hear what I said but once I seen her face change to angry I knew I fucked up.

"And you're only now telling me this?" She asked as tears well up in her eyes.

I sighed.

"Baby I only found out about two weeks ago-"

"Two weeks Carlos? You knew that you was leaving for two weeks now and didn't tell me?"

I got up to walk over to her.

"Baby please I-"

She moved away from me. "Don't. Touch me."

She side stepped me but I grabbed hold of her arm.

"Aaliyah, wait." I tried to get her to listen to me.

"What Carlos?" She yelled as her tears fell.

"Baby I'm sorry. I should've told you as soon as I found out okay? I was wrong but I'm telling you now and I don't want to leave knowing that you're mad at me. Please Aaliyah, I'm sorry."

She looked away from me as she wiped her tears.

"Fine, if there anything else that you haven't told me, you need to tell me now or God so help me I'm done Carlos." She said looking up at me. I could tell that she was serious.

Well I think I should tell her now then.

"I'm taking the rematch. And I know you don't want me to baby but I need to do this. I need to fight him." I pleaded.

She looked hurt. Great.

"Okay, I understand but damn it Carlos,  you can't be withholding this kind of information from me. "

I nodded reaching for her hands.

"I know baby, and I love you. I'm so sorry." I apologized.


The following day was a bit awkward between Aaliyah and I and I know it'll get better in time I just wanted that time to be now.

I'm going to miss her and she knows this but I need to be in top form when I go to face my opponent.

It sucks that I'll be gone for almost a year but this is important to me.


Hello my lovely beauties. I have been MIA for a few weeks and I apologize I recently started a new job and the hours are quite demanding.

However, I made time to write this chapter just to get my groove back. This chapter was pretty much ordinary but better ones to come.

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