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One Week Ago.

Carlos took one last look in the mirror admiring his attire. "Yeah I look good as fuck." He mumbled to himself as he leaves his room then leaving his home all together.

Carlos sat in his car and connected his phone to it via Bluetooth and he played his favorite playlist.

Alonzo was meeting with his father and step mother for breakfast well brunch. Aaliyah had made arrangements for them to all have brunch together today, the same day that their parents showed up unannounced.

Approaching Mr. And Mrs. Cole, Alonzo furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey pops, Mrs. Cole. Uh where is Aaliyah?" He asked taking a seat opposite them.

"Hi son, we've actually been calling her since yesterday afternoon. We thought that maybe she was still a little emotional from yesterday but I don't know. This is not like her." Mr. Cole says.

"I mean I don't get why she isn't here yet considering that she planned this. If you're gonna be late for something call so that we know what's going on." Her mother expresses.

"Something ain't right. Any of y'all spoke to Carlos?" Alonzo asked causing them both to shake their heads 'no'.

"Oh there he is." Mrs. Cole says standing up to great Carlos. Who now has a confused look on face probably thinking what everyone else thought. Why wasn't Aaliyah here?

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Cole." He shook their hands. He slaps hands with Alonzo, "Wassup man?" Alonzo shrugs. "Same shit different day."

"Where's Aaliyah?" Carlos finally asks.

"She's not here yet. Maybe we should go see what's up at her place." Alonzo said with a bit of irritation in his voice.

"You guys my daughter is an adult. She doesn't need to be checked on. I'm sure she's fine." Mrs. Cole said to the two young men.

"Try calling her again."
Alonzo said to her.

Mrs. Cole called Aaliyah's phone two times with no answer. "She's not picking up."

Shaking his head Alonzo got up. "Nah that's not like her. I'm gonna go check on her."

"We're coming." The couple tells the young man. Carlos already making up his mind that he is going too to see if she was okay.

They were now at her door and after knocking four times the door opened revealing her best friend and roommate Ashley.

"What are you guys doing here? Mr. and Mrs. Cole how are you both?" She said stepping aside.

"Great darling. Thanks." Mrs. Cole smiles politely.

"Where's Aaliyah?" Mr. Cole asked.

"She's not here, I thought she were with you guys."

Carlos soon immerged from Aaliyah's room , no one else even noticed that he left the room till now. "She's not here. From the looks of it she's been gone since yesterday." Carlos said running his hand down his face.

"Then where the hell could she be?" Her mother says in a panicking state.

Alonzo and Carlos looked at each other having an entire conversation with their eyes.

"Uh there's something that you guys should know." Carlos said earning a look from Alonzo.

"What the hell are you talking about now? Does it have anything to do with why my daughter is missing?" Mr. Cole says with attitude in his voice.

"Johnathan she's not missing she probably just went for a walk." Mrs. Cole says to her husband trying to convince herself.

"Technically she hasn't been gone for a day yet so she can still show up." Alonzo said eyeing Carlos.

Closure.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon