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"This is a lot harder than it looks." I said.

"I mean, if it gets easier with practice. And if it doesn't well there's definitely something wrong with you." He chuckled. I mean mugged him.

"Shut up fool." I stepped up to the ale ready to throw the ball again. This time I only hit two cones. "I think it's broken."

He busted out laughing. "It's not broken. Your skill for bowling is." 

I smiled giving in and laughing with him. "Yeah I suck at this but I'm starving."

"Let's go get you something to eat then don't want yo Professional Boxer boyfriend fighting me because I starved you. He done already don't like my ass." 

I sighed. "It's not that he doesn't like you. He's just protective of me that's all."

"Yeah I bet lil sis. Come on." 

We went to the cafeteria to see what was available and they only had nachos. Which neither of us had a craving for. So we decided to head over to Joe's Pizza and get some comforting food. I love me some Joe's man. I love food on the whole, it brings me joy.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Anything sis, you know that." He said. I smiled a little.

"Why do you think I never knew about you?" I asked.

He sighed after taking sip from his Mountain Dew. "I wish I knew myself. After our dad and my mom broke up, she moved me away from him so that we wouldn't see each other. I didn't understand why. I still don't."

"But why would she do that? That's your father shouldn't he have a say in where you stayed or who you stayed with?" 

"It was complicated I guess. I think that my mom left dad because she found out about you." I frowned.

"You mean dad was cheating on your mom with my mom?" I twisted up my face.

He nodded. "I mean it all makes sense. Why else will she just up and leave. Taking me with her. My dad had to sneak me out of the house just to spend some time with me. It was sad." he shook his head.

I gazed out of the restaurant window thinking about it. If my dad cheated on his mom with my mom, did my mom even know that he was with someone? Did she knew and just didn't care? They have a lot of explaining to do when I see them for the holidays.

"Hello... Earth to Aaliyah?" He said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I asked if you were finished?" I looked down at my plate. I still had food on there but I decided to take it to go instead of wasting it. I probably eat it later while watching a movie.

"Uh yeah, lets go."


Carlos' P.O.V

"Coach, so you gonna take that rematch?" Jay asked.

"We'll see. You need to focus that match with Liam." I eyed him.

He waved me off continuing to punch the punching bag.

"I ain't worried coach. He got daddy issues."He chuckled.

"He bodied you fool. You don't remember?" I looked at him while holding the bag in place for him.

"If I didn't know better I'd think you was worried about me. You getting soft on me?" He smirked.

I laughed. " Never that. Get ya ass beat I don't care. Just be back in my gym at six thirty. SHARP." 

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