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"Baby stop. You're making him too active. He was just about to settle down." She pouted at him. He chuckled lowly leaning his face closer to her distinctively large stomach.

"Hey lil man you're hurting mommy chill out." He placed a kiss on her stomach before lifting his gaze to meet hers.

"I wonder who he's gonna look like more."

"He's probably gonna have my face and maybe your eyes."

"I hope he don't get all your ways." He gave a fake hurt expression.

"My ways?" She nods.

"Yes your ways. Badass attitude. I'm gonna be beating his ass often." She sat up getting out of the bed.

"You're not gonna be beating my son." He said sounding serious.

"If he's half as much of a headache like you are then hell yes I'd have to break that out of him." He got up following her outside to the kitchen.

"Man you foul my son is not gonna be a badass." He insisted.

"How do you know that Carlos?"

"Because, he's my son and I wasn't a badass either." She hault her movements looking at him like 'you a damn lie'.

"What? I'm not."

"Ok Carlos. Come here please." He raised his eyebrows in  question.

"Lil girl I don't know you think you talking to but it's not Khalil." He shook his head disapprovingly.

"You're right. I'm not. I'm talking to his father. Bring your fine ass here and stop playing." With a playful mugg on his face he complied and went to her as she asked. He wrapped his arms around her waist looking down at her.

"Yes my Queen. How can I be of service?" He says in a royal way. She giggles.

"Can you make those 🍪 cookies you made for me a while back?" She had the little pout on her lips that he couldn't resist kissing her so he did just that.

"Anything for you baby."


After doing her daily routine, Mia was about to do something that she felt like she should have done a long time ago.

She was nervous but she realized that this had to be done. She put the finishing touches on her living space here at Marcus'  mansion and then she left out the room.

Making her way down the famous hallway, she feels the weight on her shoulders lifting but was soon replaced with nervs.

Shaking her head lightly, she finally made it to the first living room of the mansion and sat her suitcase down.

Mia was ready to let Marcus get the help that he needs. She's come to a realization that what she's been doing was allowing and accepting his behavior. His illness is beyond her expertise and that, she's willing to accept.

She place the pre-written letter on the key table located bye the front door. She chose to notify him this way because doing it verbally wouldn't have end well.

What she didn't know is that Marcus stood in the doorway watching her intently. He remain silent for three seconds before making his presence known,

"What is this?" Startled she stopped all her movements. Slowly turning around to face the broken man's face.

She cleared her throat before speaking, "This is me leaving."

He raised his eyebrows shocked at her announcement. "You're leaving? Why? Aren't you supposed to be helping me?"

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