Chapter 1

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Annabeth's POV
Today is my first day at a new school. Again. And the only thing worse than starting school when you know no one is starting with no friends. I don't even have friends out of school. The last time I had friends was freshman year then we both moved away.

Let me introduce myself. I'm Annabeth Chase and I'm a senior in high school. This could be exciting for some because this is the year when we are finding a college and this year is Prom(!) but going to a new school is going to suck for me. Senior year isn't going to be the dream everyone imagines when they're little. It's hell. Truly.

It probably is going to suck for me the most though because, well, I'm a total nerd! And geek. Fangirl. Everything that is super uncool I'm it. So yeah. Go me! The ugly, poofy hair, girl who reads rather then have friends.

I was picking out my outfit even though it was 4:52 am. I was getting ready before anyone else was awake so I wouldn't have to see my strict dad and step-monster.  And no this isn't like a Cinderella story where my step siblings are demons as well. No, no, no. My brothers Bobby and Matthew are amazing, but their mother is a bitch.

"Annabeth!" Helen aka my step-mother screams before storming in to my room." What are you doing up? You are disturbing the whole family! I need my beauty sleep! The whole neighborhood can hear you with the noise you're making!"

"I'm sorry," I say looking down at me feet," I'll be quieter."

"You better!" Helen says before slapping me right across the face. I fall to the floor and try to stop myself from crying. She hits me again and again until finally she looks down at me and grins satisfied at the marks she left. She walked out of the room without another word.

I guess I'm wearing long sleeves today.

Percy's POV
My alarm went off for the seventh time. I don't think the alarm understands that I just want to sleep! I get up not because of the alarm but because I smelled the aroma of freshly baked blue pancakes.

Why are they blue? you might ask. Well, that's an interesting story. When I was younger I had an abusive step-father named Gabe. For my birthday I asked for a blue cake because blue is my favorite color. But Gabe said that food can't be blue and ever since my fabulous mom, Sally, went out of her way to make blue food. That was a long time ago and my mom is remarried to a guy named Paul Blofis, but we still make blue food because everything tastes better that way.

Okay, now that I've already rambled about blue food, let me introduce myself. I'm Perseus Jackson, but everyone calls me Percy. I'm a senior at Goode High and pretty popular if I do say so myself. I was captain of the swim team and was in other sports to. And though I hated it I was the school hottie. All the guys wanted to be my friend and all the girls wanted to date me.

I was dating a girl named Drew. She was really popular so we were expected to be together. Though I don't really like her. At all. Only my friends know I want to dump that bitch.

And by friends I mean my closest friends not just anyone. We've known each other for years. To be honest they're more like family then friends to me. These friends were Leo, Jason, Nico, and Frank.

Okay, enough about me. I want food! Blue pancakes here I come!

Annabeth's POV
I had decided to wear orange shirt I got from camp a year or 2 ago and a pair of shorts. It was the best I had, but it still didn't cover my marks from my step-mom so I had to wear a jacket so no one would see.

I was walking to school even though it is like a mile from my house. I would rather walk 50 miles than drive to school with my step-mom (not that she would let me) or ride the bus.

When I got to school I went to the office. Luckily it was right by the door so I didn't have to pass anyone or look for it. Thank God!

" Umm, I'm Annabeth. I'm the new student. I came to get my locker number and schedule," I tell the person in the office.

Without even glancing at me she took out my file and handed me my schedule and locker number. "Your locker combination is 1236. Okay? Got it. I hope you have a wonderful day at Goode High." She said this with no expression whatsoever. She was so totally dead inside. I mumbled 'Thanks' as I walked out.

I had barely taken a few steps when bang! someone ran into me causing me to fall and drop all my books. Great, just great.

Percy's POV
I wasn't paying attention causing me to walk right into a girl in an orange shirt. Oops.

I heard the laughs of the other students and got mad. It had been my fault and she got made fun of! No way am I just going to stand here and let them make fun of her! I had to think of something heroic. And fast.

I had a great idea!

I bent down and picked up all her books and schedule and handed it to her. Then I helped her up. Okay so maybe not the most heroic but I helped. The students stopped laughing and were now just going around to their normal school life.

"I'm so sorry," the girl says looking down at her feet.

"It was my fault. No need to be sorry," I say and she looks up at me.

We both look each other in the eye. I look at her stormy grey eyes. They were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Trapped yet free. Sad but happy. Settle yet strict. The perfect contract. They were truly amazing.

Annabeth's POV
His eye were beautiful. They were sea green and I felt comfort just by looking in them. They looked like a storm but also just a calm day at the beach.

We stared at each other a little bit longer until I broke the silence.

"Well, um, thanks, uh, for helping me with my books," I say.

"What-oh, uh, yeah sure. Anytime," The boy said. " So. Uhh, blondie what's your name?"

" What did you just call me?" I asked angered.

"Blondie, got a problem with that?"

Infuriated I say, " Yeah I do." And then I do something no one expected. I judo-flipped him.

Satisfied I walked away.

Walking down the hallway I got some scared looks, some impressed and others were angry. Though the angry ones seemed to scared to say anything.

I wasn't going to admit it but that boy was hot and had beautiful eyes. I kind of did want to know his. But no one calls me blondie.

Hi! I know this is bad. But it will get better I promise!
This was a really bad chapter but if anyone who reads this comments some advice then I can make it better!
Thanks for reading this awful story!

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