Chapter 10

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Percy's POV
It's Monday. Two days since I told Annabeth about my step father and she told me about her mother. We haven't spoken since. It was going to be really awkward once we do meet again. Can't wait for that. Note the sarcasm.

But who knows? Maybe we will be better friends because of it. Or maybe we would be friends. I would love- like if we could be friends.

Just imagine. We could walk to class together. I could tell her a joke and she would laugh that amazing laugh. I swear that laugh could make angels sing. We could be singing songs from our favorite bands (or show tunes). Telling jokes I no one understands, except us two. (And we talk, and take in the view. We just talk, and take in the view.) What would be better than that?

I know.

Being in a relationship with Annabeth. But that would never happen. I mean, come on, Annabeth is perfect. She is strong, kind, smart. I'm... not. She could probably get in to any college she chooses, but I doubt I'm even getting in to college.

I wonder if Annabeth would sit at my- our lunch table. Would she sit by me? I should ask her to sit with us. What if she says no? What if- stop! Stop worrying!

I turn around just to fall on top of someone. Oops.

"Hey! Watch where your- oh. Hi, Percy," the person says. I realize it's Annabeth. I smile. Then I notice I'm on top of her. Oops.

"Hi, sorry," I say, quickly rushing to get off of her. Then I hear a few snickers from behind me. I turn to see Leo, Jason, and Frank. Awkward. Their never going to let me forget this, are they?

"Bro, were you just on top of Annabeth?" Jason asks.

"Yeah... I kind of fell on top of her. Oops," I say, with a small laugh. They, all, fall down laughing. So, I shouldn't have told them I fell on my crush? Big surprise. Well, I messed you. Oh, well.

"Dude, you need to get your shit together. She's gonna think your a lady smasher... is that a word? I don't know. Whatever," Leo says.

"That's a word, but it wouldn't make since in that context. Idiot," Frank says, rolling his eyes. The two start bickering, and I roll my eyes. I turn to y'all to Annabeth, but she isn't here.

Annabeth's POV
After Percy trampled me, his friends came over to him. I decide to leave him to have a conversation.

"Hey, Annie, isn't it?" Drew says, coming up to me with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Actually, it's Annabeth, but I suppose you would need a brain to know the difference," I tell her.

"Whatever. Listen, stay away from my boyfriend! Percy is mine! Don't try to steal him, you slut," Drew answers, crossing her arms.

I raise my eyebrows. "Percy is your boyfriend, whom you love and care about?" She nods,  "Then why did you cheat on him? Or break up with him even? Also, I'm not trying to steal anyone. Percy fell on me. Not the other way around. And another thing, what makes you think I like Percy? All populars suck. So get out of my face. Now." I walk away with my arms crossed. Sure, I like Percy, but all populars are jerks. Trust me, I know.


Freshman year (I didn't have a girlfriend or a clue. I was a loser just like you), I was a popular. That's how I know they are all jerks.

I was the dream girl. I got good grades, had the perfect boyfriend, was the captain of the cheer squad, and was the most popular girl in school. Ethan Nakamura was my boyfriend. He wasn't, necessarily, the best boyfriend... unless we were in public. Then he was great.

My best friends were Connor and Travis Stoll, Thalia Grace, and Luke Castellan. (Luke and Thalia were dating.) These  friend supported me through everything, no matter what. They would never betray me.

Me and Ethan were the power couple. We were everything anyone wanted to be. But, under the surface, nothing was what you wanted. He was abusive. Both mentally and physically. I didn't know what to do. I wouldn't talk to my friends about because I felt embarrassed that I let him. Also, a part of me believe everything he said or did. I wasn't worthy.

I starved myself to make me look skinnier. Thalia tried to convince me to stop, but I couldn't. I had to make sure he would stay with me. Ethan kept threatening to leave me, and I was desperate!

Then, he did something that took it way to far. He took advantage of me. I should have stopped him. It's all my fault. I am a slut. I discussed myself.

After a week, we moved. Not out of respect for me, but because Dad got a new job. I never told my family. They would disown me. But my friends were there for me. I love them. But... I never kept in touch with them. I haven't talk to them since then. I miss them so much.

Thank y'all for waiting! I'm sorry it took so long.

You are all so nice for reading this! I'm sorry if it sucks. I'm working on it. Sorry it's short!

Love y'all so much! ❤️❤️❤️

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