Taehyung: Hidden feelings

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It was stormy Saturday evening, and you were in your room watching Teen Wolf (wish they didn't end this show). The lights were off and everything was calm and peaceful just the way you like it. 

After a few mins into the 12th episode you decided to order take-out food since you were starving and haven't eaten since this morning. You grabbed your phone and looked up the nearest Chinese restaurant. When you found one, you placed your order and waited until it arrived. 

"Hmm...I wonder what Tae is up to.." you mumbled as you went on Instagram and scrolled through the post. You and Taehyung have been friends since middle school when you were new to South Korea. He was the first person that didn't judge or bully you just because of your skin color. 

As time went on and you both hit high school, things didn't really change especially when it came to the bullying; sadly that still happened, but it slowed down as people started to be nice and respectful towards you instead of seeing you as an alien. You realized after awhile you had feelings for you best friend but knew he didn't feel the same. Until one day, Tae got a girlfriend. Yeah that's right a girlfriend and her name was *drumroll* Wendy. 

You and Wendy didn't get along at all and why you ask? Well she was the reason why people actually started bullying you in the first place. Starting rumors about how all black girls are loud,angry, and aggressive. That caused everyone to be scared to talk to you well everyone besides Tae. You tried you best to be happy for him,but it was hard since Wendy would always make you look bad. 

One day during lunch, you were eating with Tae,Wendy and their fake annoying friends. As you were eating,this bish "accidently" tripped and spilled her smoothie in your hair. Everyone started laughing and you looked over at Tae to see if he'd do something. This kigga sat there looking down not even bothering to help or even ask if you were okay. You were livid that you didn't speak to him for a week until he apologized,but then defended the damn bish. Saying how it was a accident and that she was sorry. If she was sorry why isn't she the one apologizing and how tf do you trip while sitting down?

You were too busy thinking about the past that you didn't hear the door bell ring. *ding dong* You got up and put on your bunny slippers and walked to the front door. (You live alone btw) "Who is it?" you asked looking through the peep hole.

"It's Tae...can I come in?" he asked. You unlocked the door and allowed him. "What do you need Tae?" you said closing the door. "Wow no I missed you oppa? or even a simple hello" Tae said sitting on the couch. 

"First, I will never call you oppa. Secondly, you only come over when you and Wendy fight and it's been about a month since then" you explained sitting on the other end of the couch. "I know and I'm sorry I haven't been able to hangout lately" he said moving closer to you. "Whatever" you stated turning on Netflix and looking for something to watch. 

Taehyung stared at you as you looked for something to watch. He noticed how much you've changed since the last time he seen you. Your hair grew longer,thighs got thicker,ass got fatter and your skin was glowing more. Tae was mesmerized by you. He imagined how it'd be to date you instead of Wendy. He kept daydreaming until he was pulled back into reality when the door bell rang. 

"Hopefully that's my food" you said getting off the couch and going towards the door. You opened it and revealed a tall,fine ass boy. He had tattoos that stood out, and a couple piercings. He looked like an playboy but don't judge until you actually know them.

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