Jisung: Cute Stalker

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Jisung if you don't stop killing me with your weirdness and cutness I'm telling Taeyong😤 pffft who am I kidding he kills me also

 This might be short so sit back and relax.


"Why are you stalking her Jisung?" Mark asked the youngest while he was reading a book. 

"You know he's been doing that ever since she came to this school" Haechan said.

"No I haven't!" Jisung shouted while looking at his hyungs. "SHHH!" the libarain glared at the boys causing them to have chills. "She scares me sometimes..anyways Jisung you like her just admit" Mark teased. 

Jisung rolled his eyes and looked back at his crush. While he was looking, he saw how her curly hair kept getting in the way while she was reading. He also noticed she was sitting all alone at the table. Part of him wanted to walk over there and keep her company,but another part was making him stay right there in his seat not moving an inch.

He was to busy staring at her that he didn't hear his hyung's calling him."Jisung? Hey Jisung? You good?" Haechan asked waving his hand in front of his face. "Huh? Oh yea..sorry what's up?" he asked looking at him. 

"I said we're gonna go eat wanna come or stay here stalking Y/n?" Mark asked standing up and putting his stuff away. Jisung thought for a minute. "I'll stay here..what if something happens to her again?" Jisung said. 

"Alright but be home by 9 pm okay?" Mark said. Jisung nodded and they both left out the library leaving the younger boy all alone. 

~Time skip~ 2 hours later

Jisung feel asleep on the table ,drool slightly escaping his mouth and landing on his math homework. Meanwhile, Y/n looked up from her book and saw that the library was almost empty. She closed the book she was reading and started to pack up her things. Once she finished, she put on her coat and was about to walk out until she noticed a boy asleep across the library.

She decided to wake him since she didn't want Mrs. Kim to do it. Y/n made her way across the library and towards Jisung. As she got closer, she heard him mumbling in his sleep. "I have  a crush on  you...".  Being the curious person she was, Y/n waited to see if he'd finish his sentence. 

In all honesty she was nervous yet scared at what his answer might be considering she had a huge crush on him since day 1. She always wanted to talk to him but didn't since he was one of the popular boys at their school and she was well hated for stupid reasons just b/c of her hair,skin, and race. People judged and picked on her everyday causing her to keep t herself. 

Y/n got tired of waiting and tired to wake up Jisung. "Hey...wake up..Jisung it's late get up" she said shaking him. "Hyung leave me alone...I'm tired" Jisung groaned. "Umm this is Y/n and I'm a female not a boy" she said correcting him. Jisung shot up instantly once he heard her lovely, soft voice. 

"O-oh sorry I forgot I was here...thanks fir waking me" he said flustered looking away. "Your welcome sunbae...well I gotta go...see ya" Y/n said walking off. "Come on Jisung this is your chance just ask her out!" he said in his mind. Just as he was about to say something, Y/n turned around and looked at him.

"If you don't mind me asking...who do you have a crush on?" she said mumbling the last part but somehow he still heard her. "C-crush!? How do you kn-" she cut him off. "You said it in your sleep but didn't say the person's name..so who is it?" Y/n said looking at him. Jisung hesitated to tell her since he feared being rejected and especially since she is his crush. 

"Uh..um i-it's..I.."Jisung stuttered trying to form words but couldn't. "It's okay...it's none of my business anyway..I sho-"  Y/n said turning around slowly about to walk away again. "I like you! The person I like is you Y/n...I was just scared you wouldn't like me back" Jisung said looking down. 

Y/n walked up to him and lifted his head up. "I kinda figured you did..my cute stalker" she said kissing him gently. Jisung was shocked at first,but kissed back softly. "Shouldn't you kids be going ho- oh I'm sorry was I interrupting?" Mrs.Kim said. They both pulled apart blushing hard. 

"N-no it's okay we were just leaving Mr.s Kim" Y/n said and the older woman nodded walking away. "Thank goodness my brothers didn't see or they'd tease me" Jisung said rubbing the back of his neck. "Hehe well I gotta go now or my brother will flip..see ya" Y/n said pecking Jisung's cheek. 

"Wait so are we dating now?!" Jisung yelled after her. She turned around and nodded."I didn't give you my first kiss for nothin" Y/n said smiling and walking out the library. 

Jisung smiled and packed his stuff up getting ready to leave. Just then his phone started ringing. Without looking at the caller Id he picked up.

"Hello?" Jisung said.

"Where the hell are you?! I thought I said be home by 9" Mark yelled. 

"Its only 8 pm hyung" Jisung said confused. 

"Boi its 9:30 pm" Mark stated. Jisung's eyes widen and he ran out the library faster than the speed of light. 


I might make a part 2 for this I'm not sure yet. ANYWHO 

What K-pop group(s) would you be in and why? I'd be in BlackPink b/c I love their style and friendship towards each other. 

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