Big Newsssss

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Okay so about my new book......

I just finished the first story and I had two of my friends/readers view it and they said it's great.

I forgot to mention that my next book will address all the issues going on in the black community such as: colorism, sexuality, racism, abuse, sexual assault, self-harm, culture appropriation and so much more.

I'm gonna make 4 more stories and then drop it that way y'all can have something to actually read. I'll say it'll be out by early July.

Secondly, this book is coming to an end. I have like 2-3 stories to finish and then I've completed my first book!!!

I just want to thank you all for reading this book. I really appreciate it. Like it makes me happy to hear that this book actually helped a good amount of people. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

So once again thank you. And if y'all need anyone to talk about anything at all just dm me on here or my Instagram. I'll be glad to help ☺️☺️☺️

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