Chanyeol- New Eomma

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* Y/f/f=  favorite flower

This story is gonna be in Y/n's pov the entire time


Y/n Pov

"Y/n noona can I ask a question?" the five year old little boy asked while staring at me with big eyes. 

"Sure Se Joo what's up" I smiled while sipping my tea. 

"Do you love my daddy?" he asked. I choked a little and looked at him with wide eyes.

"What made you ask that?" I wiped my mouth and sat the glass down.

"Well I was watching tv and this boy would always buy the girl flowers and kiss her. I noticed that my daddy does the same thing but he doesn't kiss you" he explained. Who knew a five year old could say so many words. 

"In order for there to be kissing, the boy and girl need to agree on it. Also, isn't your daddy dating someone?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"No he broke up with that witch" Se Joo said grabbing his crayons off the floor. I was about to say something until the front door opened. Se Joo stopped what he was doing and ran into Chanyeol's arms.

"Daddy! I missed you" he smiled. 

"Aww I missed you too. Did you be a good boy for Y/n?" Chanyeol asked and Se Joo nodded. 

"Good now can you give these to her please" Chanyeol handed him a bouquet of (y/f/f) and put hi m back on the ground. Se Joo ran into the living room. 

"Here noona! These are from daddy" Se Joo said handing me the flowers. I smiled and took them out his hand. 

"You didn't have to give me these you already pay me a lot" I stated while standing up from the couch.

"Just take it as a thank you for watching Se Joo I know he can be a handful sometimes" Chanyeol smiled before running his hands through his hair. I watched in amazement. 'No wonder a bunch of companies want him. He freaking gorgeous' I said in my mind.

"Are you guys gonna kiss now or what?" Se Joo blurted out making me and Chanyeol to look at him with wide eyes.

"Oh look it's time for bed. Let's go get you washed up and changed" Chanyeol tried to pick him up but he backed away. 

"I want Y/n noona to do it" Se Joo begged. "I think Y/n is tired so-"

"I don't mind plus our favorite cartoon comes on around this time can't miss that" I picked up Se Joo and walked passed Chanyeol going upstairs. 

~10 mins later~

Se Joo was in the tub playing with the bubbles and his toys while I was watching The Amazing World of Gumball. I was so into it that I didn't hear Chanyeol walk in. (Yes he has a tv in the bathroom that's how rich Chanyeol is)

"Its bedtime now" I turned around and saw Chanyeol taking a sleepy Se Joo out the tub. I smiled and turned the tv off. I let out the water and grabbed all of his toys putting them away. Once I was done I walked to Se Joo's room and saw him sleeping in his bed. Chanyeol turned off the light and closed the door leaving it open a crack. 

"I guess I should get going now it's almost 11" I said looking at the time on my phone.

"Why don't you stay the night? I don't mind and I would love to try those famous waffles Se Joo always talks about" Chanyeol said. 

"I would but I didn't bring any of my things" I stated.

"You can borrow my sister's stuff. Please I really don't want you to leave and I refuse to let you leave at this time of night" he crossed his arms while looking down at me. 

"Alright then I guess I'm staying" he grinned happily and grabbed my hand dragging me down the hall into his sisters room. 

"Okay there's toothpaste,mouthwash and a toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet. Her closet is right through those doors. If you need anything else my room is next door" Chanyeol explained. I nodded while looking around the room. I turned to look at him and seen that he was staring at me. 

"What?" I chuckle nervously. 

"Nothing just thinking about how it'll be if you were to live here permanently" he said. I narrowed my eyes at him to see if he was joking.

"Wait...are you serious?" I looked at him. 

"I mean why not? It'll be easier for you to take care of  Se Joo" he said. I nodded slightly and avoided his gaze by looking around the room. 

"And it'll also be better for us to get to know each other more" Chanyeol added. I turned my head towards him and saw that he had a serious expression on his face.

"In what way? Professionally or friendly?" I ask almost whispering the last part. 

"Neither..I was thinking a more loving way" he lifted my head up making our eyes meet. "Ever since the first day you took care of  Se Joo for me I couldn't get you off my mind. It was as if you cast spell on me" he got closer every time he finished a sentence. My breathing started to slow down but my heart rate increased. 

"May I?" he asked and I nodded. His lips gently yet hardly came in contact with mine. I gripped his arms pulling him closer as his hands ran down my sides gripping my waist tightly. 

"Eww Y/n noona and daddy kissed!" a little voice interrupted causing us to break the kiss. I looked behind Chanyeol and seen Se Joo standing there holding his bear while giggling. 

"I thought you wanted us to kiss?" Chanyeol said. Se Joo ignored him and ran into the room jumping on the bed. 

"So does this mean your my new eomma?" Se Joo asked while jumping happily. 

"Hmm I don't know..." I tapped my chin. 

"Please noona" Se Joo begged with puppy eyes. I looked at Chanyeol and seen he was doing the same. Father like son. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Yes I'll be your new Eomma" I said. Se Joo jumped into my arms causing me to fall. Thankfully Chanyeol caught us. 

"Yay! I get to have a little brother or sister" Se Joo giggled. 

"Wait what!?" 

The end. 


This is now my favorite story I've written. It's so cute 😖💕. Sorry if  any mistakes/typos are made. 

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