Got7: How y'all met Scenarios

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They way y'all met was actually pretty cute. You were walking around the park as the cherry blossoms were falling creating a amazing scene. You decied to take a picture of the scene and post it on your Instagram as an aesthetic(Me but on Snapchat). *click* You snapped a quick picture and looked at the results. As you were looking, you saw a camera flash go off in the corner of your eye. You looked to your right and saw a tall,cute boy holding a Canon camera. 

"Did you take a picture of me?" Y/n asked smiling at the boy.

"Well I couldn't let a gorgeous scene go to waste" he replied with a grin. 

She shook her while chuckling. "What's your name?" the boy walked up to her.

"It's Y/n..and you?" she looked up at him.

"Pretty name...mines Jaebum" he smiled looking down at her.

The start of a cute relationship....


Hotline Bling by Drake was playing as you entered (y/f/s). You walked around looking for new clothes to wear since spring was right around the corner and of course you need to be ready. You went through the clothing racks until your eye's landed on a bright yellow bodycon dress that had ruffles on the straps. You grabbed it but something kept you from pulling it. You pulled harder and for some reason it pulled back causing you fall through the clothes and land on top of someone. 

"Omg I'm so sor-" Y/n paused as her and the stranger both made eye contact. 

"I know right I'm very good looking" the boy said causing Y/n to blush and stand up. 

"S-sorry" she helped him up and looked down awkwardly. 

"Here you can take it since I made you fall" Mark handed her the dress. 

"No it okay..wait why are you buying a dress? I ain't judging just curious" she looked at him.

"Well today is my older sister's birthday and I didn't get a gift so" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ah well I can help with that if you'd like" Y/n pushed her hair out of her face. 

"Gorgeous..I- I mean yeah...thanks" Mark looked away blushing mentally facing palming himself.

"Thanks not so bad yourself..but let's look for that gift" Y/n grabbed his hand pulled him to a certain section for gifts. 


You were working your night shift at Pop's Diner (if you know where this is from I love you💛). Lately your family has been having trouble paying the bills so you decided to step up and help your parents by getting a job. You were wiping of the counters when your boss. Pop's, told you to take care of a customer at table 4. You grabbed a notepad and pen and made your way over. As you got there you seen it was 4 boys from your school who are also apart of the Southside Serpents. But only person caught your eye in particular. Jackson, the chill one of the group. They boys were busy talking until you cleared you thorat causing them to look at you. 

"Hi..welcome to the Chock'Lit Shoppe what can I get you guys tonight?" you asked softly looking at all of them.

"I'd like a chocolate milkshake and you beautiful" Mark said smirking but Jaebum punched him in the arm.

"Don't listen to him...I'd like a vanilla milkshake and cheese fries" Jinyoung said with a warm smile. 

"Same but make mine a strawberry milkshake" Jaebum added. 

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