Namjoon: Soulmates

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Namjoon's Pov

There she goes walking in like she owns the place. Her gorgeous brown skin glowing as the sun rays shine on her. The way her soft, plump, lips curve into a friendly smile every time she's complimented. Ever since the day she walked into cafe and joined my creative writing class, I haven't been able to take my eyes off of her. 

But there's one problem. I have a girlfriend and we've been dating for over a year now. I know it's wrong for me to look at another woman,but she's different. There's something about Y/n, like she has this type of magic that draws me in. 

"Namjoon?" a familiar voice called me pulling me out of my daze.

"Huh? What's wrong?" I said looking at Ji-hye.

"What's wrong is my boyfriend isn't paying attention to me. Are you okay? You've been like this for awhile now" she grabbed my left hand and caressed it while looking in my eyes. 

"Oh sorry just a lot on my mind especially with this upcoming test" I said giving her a reassuring smile. I lied there isn't a test coming up but I didn't want her to know I was looking at someone else or she'd cause a scene. She just nodded and went back to sipping her drink. I looked back towards the counter and saw something that made me a little pissed. 

The cashier was flirting with my gi- I mean Y/n. I couldn't hear what they were talking about,but he was being a little to friendly. 

"Babe I gotta go me and the girls are having a sleepover tonight" Ji-hye said standing up and putting on her coat. "Okay have fun" I said smiling slightly. As she was about to kiss me, I seen Y/n looking at the corner of my eye. I turned my head a little causing Ji-hye to kiss my cheek instead. 

"See ya tomorrow I love you" I said waving at her. She looked at me weirdly and left out the cafe. I sighed and looked back to where Y/n was standing but she wasn't there. I looked around the cafe to see if I spotted her. Where the hell did she go?  I mumbled to myself.

"Right here" a sweet voice said. I looked in front of me and saw Y/n sitting there staring. I sat there in shock because this is the first time we've ever spoken. Well besides in class but that was only about writing styles. 

"H-hi Y/n" I said my voice cracking a little. "Hey Joonie~" she replied while showing her beautiful smile that I love. 

We just sat there staring at each other without saying anything. I'm not gonna lie I actually loved the silence. 

" are you?" she asked breaking the silence. "Pretty" I said never breaking eye contact. "I've been was that your girlfriend?" Y/n stated while sipping her tea. 

"Girlfriend?" I asked confused. "The girl that just left a few minutes ago? I thought you guys were dating considering she was about to kiss you" she said. 

"Oh yeah she is..hehe sorry I'm a little out of it today" I explained while rubbing the back of my neck. "She's really pretty and you guys are a cute couple" she said. 'Her beauty doesn't compare to yours and we'd make a great couple' I said in my mind. 

"Yeah I guess.." I sighed. "You guess? you don't seem so sure. Everything okay?" Y/n asked. "Everything is fine it's just that...I have feelings for another girl but I can't tell her-" 

"Because your too scared and you don't want to lose the girl you have now" Y/n stated. I nodded and looked out the window.

"Well why don't you just tell your gf that you don't feel the same anymore?" she said. "Idk I don't like hurting people". 

"Namjoon your hurting yourself more just by not telling her how you feel. I think she'll understand especially since your not cheating. Your not cheating right? "she asked with concerned. 

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