B.M. (4; Last part)

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Still based in the late 60s early 70s, Y/n and Matthew are now dating. It's the cookout and BM's family is invited. Drama is about to go down.

Warning: Uses violence, the n word, racism, blood and family drama.


"Y'all stop running in and outta my house" I heard my mom shout at my little cousins. I was sitting at the table mashing up potatoes. My auntie and sister were having a conversation about the civil rights movement happening across town.

*knock knock*

We all looked towards the back door and a smile formed on my face. "Matthew!" I ran towards the door and unlocked it jumping into his arms. "Hey baby" he said holding my waist firmly.

"Y/n don't be jumping like that. You are wearing a skirt" my mama scolded at me as Matthew sat me down on the steps.

"Matthew are you parents here?" my auntie asked as she put the green beans in the pot. "Yes ma'am they're coming up the drive way".

"Well don't just stand there boy go help them" Matthew had a 'oh right' on his face as he walked back out the house. I chuckled and saw a little boy coming up to the door. He looked just like Matthew except he was much cuter.

"Hi..my name is Y/n" I waved slightly to him. He blushed and hid behind his hands.

"His name is Jisoo. Hello I'm Kim Lena and this is my husband Minseok" my eyes widen in shock. They both looked very young to be in their 40s.

"Nice to meet you. Please come in" I moved out the way and allowed them to step into the kitchen.

"Mr and Mrs. Kim this is my mama Lauren, my older sister Mary and my Auntie Jean" I introduced them to each other. My mama turned around to greet them only to gasp.

"Oh my goodness Lena?! Is that you?" my mama walked closer to her in shocked while the rest of us looked confused. "Little Lauren? It's been too long! How are you?" they embraced each other tightly.

"So is anybody gonna explain or are we just gonna sit here confused?" my Auntie Jean stated while sipping her wine. My mama smacked her lips and broke the hug "Lena and I knew each other when we worked on the military base as nurses during the war".

"Yes but after the war ended we lost contact. It's been what 28 years since then?" Lena said taking off her jacket just as Matthew walked in carrying bags of food. "What are y'all doing come outside and spend time with everyone?" Uncle Henry walked with a beer in his hands.

(a.n. they're like 46 if I did the math right. They helped in the war when they were 18)

"Henry how many bottles did you have?" Auntie Jean asked as she walked up to him. "Umm 2 I think" she snatched the bottle out his hand and walked outside. I shook my head and turned my attention towards my boyfriend. Only to realize that he was staring back at me.

"May I help you?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Mmm you look good in that skirt" he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. 'God he smells amazing' I wrapped my arms around his torso and inhaled his signature smell.

"And you smell good" I looked up at him and noticed a tint of pink on his cheeks. "Baby are you blushing?" I teased.

"No" he stated as he pecked my lips "it's just really hot in here". His hands ran up and down my waist slowly. We stood there staring into each other's eyes. "Y/n I have to tell you something-"

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