Johnny: Dancing with the Devil

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Y/n Pov

"Why?" I ask myself this all the time. 24/7, every hour,minute and sec. Why do I fall for bad boys? I mean there's nothing wrong with good boys but I need something different. Well more like someone. And that someone is no other than Johnny Seo.

He's fit the bad boy image so well. Leather jacket, tattoos,tall,deep voice, drives an expensive car, gets in trouble etc. But that's not the problem. The problem is that he doesn't date (s/c) or to be more specific black girls. I don't why people of Korea see us as ratchet because not all of us are like that or raised to be that image. 

I sighed and looked down at the green grass. Its lunch right now and I decided to eat outside since it's warm and I have no friends. I turned my attention back to the lunch room windows and looked inside. Everyone's laughing and giggling. Couples being intimate (not freaky lol), teachers socializing, boys chatting about what I assume sports or girls or maybe even both. 

As I was watching everyone, I felt like I was being watched myself. I looked to the right and my eyes widen. Johnny was staring at me.

 Pfft nah it he's not staring at me probably somebody else. I looked behind me to see if anyone was there but there wasn't. I turned my attention back to Johnny and he was still sending me that intense stare. 

I swear my cheeks were turning red. Suddenly, the bell rung signaling the end of the lunch period. I quickly got up and tossed the rest of my lunch in my bag since it was only Doritos and a  Sprite. I walked into the building and made my way towards the locker room since I have gym next. 

"Omg did you here that Taeyong oppa is throwing a party!?!" a girl with pigtails shouted while the author cringes.

"Jinjia?!" the other girls said in unison as they started to talk about what they were gonna wear. 

I wanted to join the conversation but didn't due to the fact I know none of them. I went to my locker and unlocked it putting my bag inside. I grabbed my shirt and gym shorts which are to small considering the way my body is shaped. Not only that, I believe the gym teachers got it like this to be perverts. ( I lowkey think they do this fr in Asian schools)

I put them on and grabbed my Nike air force's out my bag and put them on. I made my way to the gym and sat on the bleachers waiting for the teacher to start class. 

~5 mins later~

"Okay ladies today Mr.Cho's class is going to be joining us in a little dodgeball game" Ms.Moon said as  the boys walked over to our side. I scanned through the group of boys and realized most of them are in a sport or just really built. 

"Alright I already made teams so get with your group when I call out names...." 

~2 mins later~ 

"Lastly, Taeyong,Haechan,Y/n,Chaeyoung,Johnny,Mark and Young-ae" I looked over at her shocked. Did she just put me on a team with him? I got off the bleachers and made my way over to the rest of them. 

"So who's protecting who?" Haechan asked."There's 4 of us and three girls how is that gonna work?" 

"Let's make the girls decide" Taeyong suggested and the rest of them agreed. They turned their attention to us and I instantly looked down at my feet. 

"I want Mark" I heard Chaeyoung say shyly. 

"I choose Haechan" Young-ae slightly yelled. 

"What about you?" I heard Taeyong say knowing he was talking to me but I acted like I wasn't listening. 

"Y/n" he touched my arm and I flinched stepping back a bit. I looked up at the others and seen them waiting for my answer. I made eye contact with Johnny and looked down again.

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