Beauty within the madness

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"I didn't think you'd catch feelings"
"I'm sorry...but I'm not into you. You're just not attractive...sorry"
Read 11:24 pm

I sat there staring at the semi-lit screen. Confusion, Anger,Stress,Nervousness, and Heartbreak raced through my body.

After all of those late night conversations, snaps,goofy smiles and winks, this is how everything ends.

'I'm such an idiot' I wiped the tears off my face slowly as the soft cotton fabric of the hoodie hugged my cheek. I turned my phone off completely and sat it inside my draw.

I slid off my bed and walked across the cold floor and down the hall to the bathroom. I stepped inside and hit the switch. The light blinding me yet revealing my state of  sadness.

My hair was a mess. Eyes red and glossy. Lips chapped. Stuffy nose. Tragic.

The sight was horrible.

I stripped out of my clothes and stared at my body through the mirror. Every stretch mark, curve, birth mark, mole, was a flaw.

Flaws that were beautiful.

Flaws I learned to love.

I turned on my favorite playlist and stepped into the shower. I began washing, scrubbing, lathering from my hair to my feet.

After a few mins, I finished and put on my towel. I walked down the hallway leaving wet foot prints on the floor.

I went into my room and laid on the bed. All the memories came flooding in all at once.

I miss him.

'But he doesn't miss you. Focus on yourself ' my subconscious stated. I got up and grabbed an oversize t-shirt and black panties out my drawer.

I sat down at my vanity and applied lotion and oil to my skin. I put on my clothes and sprayed on some perfume.

I put my hair into a neat bun, rubbed strawberry lip balm across my lips and brushed my brows.

*ding dong*

I stood up and went downstairs. I looked out the window and saw a silhouette standing on my porch in the rain.

"Who is it?" I spoke loudly yet soft.

"Its Mingi"

I unlocked the door and stood behind it allowing him to enter.

"Is everything okay? You usually call before coming over?" I shut the door and locked it.

"I should be the one asking that. I know you've been crying Y/n" I shook my head and marched towards the kitchen.

"Let me guess your inner wolf told you?" I questioned. He nodded and sat down at the table.

"I'm fine. I just confessed my feelings to my crush who I thought liked me back" I chuckled bitterly and grabbed a bottle of water. "I'm so stupid. I can't believe I actually let myself get attached. Everyone is right... I am easy" I shook my head and gulped down the water.

"No you are not. You have a pure heart that needs to be loved by the right person. You probably have already met him and he's closer than you think" Mingi states while staring deep into my eyes. My body caught goosebumps from his piercing brown eyes.

"If that's true he should just claim me already don't you think?" my fingers tapped the marble countertop as I tilted my head.

"That depends. You have to love yourself before loving someone else...are you ready to do that?" that question left me in deep thought.

He was right though. I can't love anyone else before loving myself. I mean I've been giving myself small compliments here and there.

'That's a good start. Now what are we eating?'   Mingi asked while going through my fridge.

'You know that I hate when you read my mind.' I stared at the back of his head.

"I know I'm handsome. No need to stare" he turned around and winked at me.

"I wasn't even lookin at you. Anyways do your parents know ya here or you snuck out again?" I sat on the counter and swung my legs back and forth. He closed the fridge and crossed his arms.

"We should order pizza. Yeah pizza sounds great."

"Mingi" I raised my eyebrows at him

"Calm down. My sister knows where I am okay? She's not gonna tell"

"Mingi...Susie is 2. She just started speaking"

"Exactly. So she can't snitch on me. I'm a genius. When have I been wrong?" he stated while smiling proudly of himself.

"Oh lord. Anyways I appreciate you for always being there for me. Like I'm so grateful"

"Of course. You're my girl. I'd never leave you even if times get tough." He stood in front of me. Like he was really close to me. I could smell starburst coming  from his pink lips.

"So that pizza.." I played with my fingers nervously.

"Calm down Y/n. I'll kiss you when you're ready okay? No need to ru- mm" I cut him off by grabbing his collar and gently pushing my lips onto his.

"I've been ready."

The End.

(Sorry for mistakes)

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