Taehyung: Hidden Feelings 2

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~2 weeks later'

You were in the middle of watching Riverdale when you heard the doorbell. *ding dong* it rung again. "I'm coming!" you shouted as you put on you bunny slippers and walked downstairs towards the door and opened it. "Taehyung what happened to your face?" you asked looking at him shocked. He looked at you and suddenly fell into you arms. "Omg Tae!?" you carried him to the couch and looked at him. His face was brusied and bloody, his hair was messy and his clothes ripped. "W-what happened?" you asked once again. "M-mark and Wendy" he said coughing. He then started to explain what happened.


You were sitting in class listening to your professor give a lecture on the human mind and how it controls emotional and mental states.

"Alright class there will be a project on these topics,but I decided to let you all to chose your partners an-" everyone in the class started talking happily at the fact they could choose their own partners causing Mrs.Choi to pause. 

"Wait I wasn't done everyone," everyone stopped talking and looked at the professor. "like I was saying this project will be due in a month and you can pick either the mental or emotional state you will base your project on. I advise you choose someone who'll actually be productive and get the work done. Class dismissed." Mrs.Choi said going towards the board and cleaning it. 

You gathered up all your things and put it them in your tote bag. "Hey Y/n..." a familiar voice called you. You looked up and saw Mark, one of Taehyung's best friends. "Hi.." you replied pulling your skirt down a little bit. 

"I was wondering if you needed a partner for the project?" he said nervously. "Yeah I do but aren't you gonna work with your girlfriend?" you asked narrowing your eyes at him. "Well I was, but then I realized she wasn't gonna help. So then I realized your the only one without a partner since everyone doesn't like you" Mark stated,but then realize what he said at the end. 

"S-sorry I didn't me-" I cut him off. "No your only telling the truth..no one likes me..not even Taehyung.." you mumbled the last part yet he still heard. "That's not true..I like you..I mean you don't fit the description Wendy described you as...not at all" Mark said looking you up and down with a little smirk. 

"Uh uh my eyes are up here little boy" you said gaining his attention. "Sorry and I'm not little, I'm older and taller than you" he said. "Yet you act like your in middle school~" you said before walking out the class leaving the poor boy alone. 

"Y/n wait!" Mark yelled running up to you. "What?" you sighed looking at him.  "Where do you want to study my place or yours?" he asked calming his breathing. "The library now excuse me I have to go" you stated simply and walked away. "Can I get your number?" he yelled after you. 

You turned around and shouted back. "Why don't you ask Taehyung, you guys are best friends". Mark smiled which caused a small grin to appear on your face.

Taehyung's Pov

I was walking around campus trying to clear my head of thoughts about Y/n. When I was about to turn a corner, I stopped when I heard two very familiar voices talking. Y/n and Mark? I looked to make sure it was them and it surprisingly was. 

Since when were they close? 'Wait no don't start assuming anything' I told myself. I listened to their conversation and heard Mark ask where they would meet up at. Thankfully Y/n said the library otherwise if they were to meet up at each other's houses Mark would try to make a move on her. Especially since he's an eff boy and she's still pure. 

I continued to listen until I heard Mark ask for her number. At this point I wanted to walk over there and say no but I don't have that right. Well not yet anyways, for the past couple of weeks I started noticing how badly Wendy treats not only me,but others. Y/n was telling the truth and I instead defended Wendy and called my best friend a slut. 'Nice going Taehyung' I said to myself. I finally ended things with Wendy now I just have to fix my relationship with my girl I mean best friend. 

"Why don't you ask Taehyung for it you guys are best friends" I heard Y/n say as she walked away. I took this chance to go up to Mark and see what they're doing at the library. "Hey Mark" i said walking up to him. "Oh what's up man" he said shaking me up. "Nothing just saw you talking to Y/n" I said a little annoyed. "Yeah we have a project to do and I'm excited for it" he said smirking. "Why?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "I just want to make her mine..wait she's single right? What am I saying ofc a girl like her wouldn't be taken" Mark chuckled. "What do you mean a girl like her?" I said balling up my fists. 

"I'm just saying since she's black and a foreigner no one would date her they'd only like to use her for fun" Mark said bluntly. I wanted to fight him right then and there but I couldn't. I can't afford to get kicked out this school and I damn sure can't let him or anyone hurt Y/n. I walked away pissed and decided to skip my other classes. 

~ 6 pm~

I was walking around town when I saw a jewelry store. I stopped and looked at the necklaces on display. My eyes landed on a Louis Vuitton necklace and thought about Y/n. When it came to fashion me and Y/n had different taste as you can see. She believed Louis is and always will be better than Gucci. I don't understand how and why she thought that,but she does. I decided to buy it as an apology and to make up for everything. 

After a few mins of wrapping the necklace, I made my way towards the apartment complex Y/n was staying in. "Well look who it is" a familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Wendy but for some reason Mark was with her. "Aren't you supposed to be with Y/n?" I asked. "Oh her I was but then decided not to go" Mark stated. "I shouldn't be surprised your to dumb to do your own work that's why your parents bribed  the school to accept you" I said. 

Mark stared at me pissed and his jaw clenched. "Well I didn't need to go considering we already hooked up in the library bathroom" Mark fired back. "Your lying..s-she would never" I said clenching my fist. "They always said the innocent girls are the baddest" he added.

~Present Author's Pov~

Taehying finished the story and you stared at him. "So you hit first?..Tae what the heck is wrong with you?! Why didn't you just walk away!? You could've been killed!" you shouted.  "I wasn't finna stand there and let him talk bad about you again" Tae said. You sighed and rubbed your head. 

"Y/n I'm sorry" he said softly. "Tae it's ok-" "No for everything. I've been a terrible best friend to you and I stood around while Wendy and everyone bullied and tortured you. I should've do-" you slammed your lips onto his. "Taehyung I love you but your talking a little to much" you mumbled against his lips. 

He chuckled and pulled you back into the kiss but this time it was more meaningful. "T-tae wait..you need to shower *kiss* and eat *kiss* and I need to fix your wounds" you pulled away breathing heavily. "Fine..after all that we're finishing what we started" Taehyung said with lust in his eyes. You stood up and pulled up your shorts. "Oh yeah what happened to that gift you got me?" you asked looking at Tae.

"Wow I was hoping you'd forget that part of the story" he said. You crossed your arms and stared at him. "I guess you don't want me tonight then". Taehyung's eyes widen and he quickly but gently pulled the necklace out his pocket. "Turn around please" he asked nicely. You rolled your eyes and turned around. He moved you hair off your shoulder and puts the necklace on. 

"This is exactly what I wanted...thank you Taehyung" you said smiling. "Anything for you" he said kissing your cheek. "See I told you Louis Vuitton was better, it brings soulmates together" you teased. "Yeah whatever Gucci does too" he stated hugging you from behind.

~The End~

For some random reason this took hella long for me to write like whyyyy? I was gonna do a whole fight scene between Y/n and  Wendy at first but then decided to change it to the boys.  Anyways I hope this was good. Sorry for the mistakes if there is any I was up at 1 am writing. 

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