Dean: Forbidden

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Lets just get right into the story~


"I said stay away from him Y/n! He's in a gang baby sis what can't understand about that?!" your older brother,Marcus, yelled trying to knock some sense into you. 

"Your in a gang too! What makes you better than him ni-" Marcus grabbed you by the collar harshly. You looked at his face and instantly tensed up. You were scared considering this is the first time he has ever laid hands on you. His breath smelled like grey goose, a vein was pulsing through his forehead and his eyes were red from how pissed he was. You've seen what he can do to people even his close friends. 

"I'm not telling you again. If you see him, talk to him, or anything, you best to believe he's gonna get killed and that's on everything" Marcus stated with a clench jaw before letting you go. 

Hot tears ran down your face as you glared at your older brother. You were hurt, upset, and angry at the fact he forbade you from seeing the one person who made you feel butterflies. You ran upstairs to your room and slammed the door harshly. 

"Ugh!!!" you fell on your bed and hugged your knees trying to calm down. *ding ding* A notification went off on your phone. You picked it up and saw it was a message from, 'Dean💘'. You clicked on it and read it:

Dean💘: Facetime?

Y/n💛😜: Nah not right now...

Dean💘: Is everything alright?

Y/n💛😜: No everything isn't okay I just hate life right now 

Next thing ya know he's calling you on Face time. You sighed and sat up on your bed and picked up. "Baby wha- have you been crying?" Dean asked concerned. "N-no..I'm fine" you mumbled looking away. " Y/n look at me please" he said softly. You looked at him and saw that his hair was messy and dirt was on his face. "Where are you?" you asked staring at him.  

"Uh..well I just got done with 'work' " he said emphasizing the last part. "Oh okay please be careful" you said as you got off the bed and went to the bathroom. "You know I'm always careful anyways why were you crying?" Dean asked once again. 

You sat your phone on the counter and started putting your hair up pretending you didn't here him. "Y/n I know you heard me..why were you crying?" he repeated but this time with more dominance in his voice.

"My brother...h-he found out about us again..and he wants me to break up with you" you explained trying to not cry once again. Dean let out a frustrated sigh and pushed his hair back. "That's not even the worst part...he also said him and his gang will hurt you if we're still together" you looked in the mirror and saw yourself tearing up. 

"Why can't he just accept that fact we're happy together, Jay is find with it why can't he" Dean ranted. "You know why he won't..." you mumbled. "But I'm not your ex..I-I wouldn't do those things to you and just thinking about what he did pisses me off so much because yo-"

"Y/N!! Come eat dinner!" Marcus shouted from outside your room door. "I have to go Dean...I love you" you whispered. "I love you me tomorrow at the convenience store downtown please" Dean begged. "I can't do you want my brother to kill you?!" you whispered shouted. "Pfft I'll come in a disguise plus nobody scared of him come on please baby?" Dean pleaded.

You giggled at his begging and nodded. "Y/n! I know you heard me!" your brother shouted again. "OKAY I'M COMING CHILL" you shouted back. "Bye~" you said and hung up. You put on your bonnet and grabbed your silk robe. "Little girl if you don't hurry u-" you snatched the door open and glared at your brother. 

"I said I was coming no need to keep shouting" you mumbled walking pass him and downstairs. When you entered the kitchen you saw your brothers friends eating at the table.

 When you entered the kitchen you saw your brothers friends eating at the table

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(A.N. Okay so Marcus is the short one in the back, Tyson is wearing the tank top, Christian is the tall one and Josiah is the wearing Yankees) 

"Hey Y/n" they all said in unison. You gave them a simple wave and went towards the fridge. "Lil mama you good?" Tyson asked. "She's fine..right sis?" Marcus said staring at you. "Yeah I'm great..hehe never been better" you said sarcastically. "I sensed a lil sarcasm behind that but ight" Christian stated before sipping his cup of vodka. "What happened?" Josiah asked looking at you. 

"She pissed cuz I told her she's not allowed to date that Chinese boy in our rival gang" Marcus said. You slammed the fridge and glared at your brother. "First off he's Korean not Chinese Second, why is it okay for y'all black men to date any girl of a whole different race but it's wrong for a black woman like MYSELF, to date another men of a different race hm? And you keep saying it's gang related nah that's not even true you mad b/c the leader took your damn girl" you fired at him. The others were shocked and kept watching you rage out. " Huh?What did you just say?" Marcus said walking up to you. 

"If you can huh then you can hear" you said. Marcus chuckled and slapped you so hard it echoed throughout the whole house. "You better watch your damn mouth little girl!" he shouted. You walked out the kitchen and ran upstairs. "M-marcus bro you didn't have to hit her like that" Christian said. "Yeah man she's still a child..girl not even 21 yet" Tyson added. "Y'all shut up"Marcus replied sitting back down. 

You went to your closet and through on a black Nike hoodie, air force 1s and grabbed your phone. You were left out your room but then realized you couldn't leave through the front door. Thank god this house had backstairs which you quickly went down and left the house. 

~ Mins later~

You've been walking for what seem like a long time with tears in your eyes. People looked at you but you didn't care. While you were walking you, across the street you saw people lining up at the club. Suddenly, a Ferrari,Lamborghini and Bugatti pulled up and for some reason they looked quite familiar. The owners of the cars walked out  the club and what shocked you the most was one of them was Dean. A group of females followed behind them towards the cars.

Dean went to the red Ferrari with tall, slim female. She was wearing a revealing dress, that shaped her figure nicely. Everyone was staring, even Dean. The girl pulled him closer and kissed him passionately. A part of you hoped, begged that your boyfriend would be faithful and pull away ,but nah. This isn't like one of those movies where the guy is faith to his beloved girlfriend. This is reality. Instead,Dean wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. Cameras were flashing, trying to capture the  amazing moment. They all got in the cars and drove off.

 Time slowed down and everything with it. You stood there watching everything shatter in front of you. 'Why me of all people?' you asked yourself. While you were thinking, gunshots went off causing everyone to scream and run away. You were about to run until a large man, in a mask grabbed your hair and started dragging you away. 

You were screaming and trying to make him let go,but his grip only got tighter. People were too busy trying to get away that nobody stopped and helped you. The man shoved you in the back of a limo. 

"Hey princess nice too see you again~" a familiar voice said. 

~ To be continued~

Y'all this literally came to me so I hurried up and wrote it so I didn't forget but I'm working on part 2 rn. Same goes for Rocky's story. 

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