Wonho: Trust Me

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This is a little kinky okay. I know I said I wasn't gonna write stuff like this but this literally just came to me. Don't ask idk why myself. Enjoy


"Who was that?" my angry boyfriend asked me as I walked into our shared closet. 

"A co-worker who is also my classmate and friend" I took off my yellow cotton sweater and turned around to see Wonho with his arms crossed tightly in front of his chest. His muscles were tensed and his jaw clenched so hard,a vein was popping out his forehead. 

"I don't want you anywhere near him. He might try something with you" I sighed and unzipped my leather black skirt leaving me only in my bra and underwear. 

"I'm sorry but no can do I see him all the time and why are you getting jealous? Hm it's not like he kissed me..yet" I  said shrugging my shoulders and searched for something to put on. I smirked a little knowing that last part would piss him off even more. Let's just say one of my kinks is making my boyfriend jealous. I only do it when he's being rude or  when he starts flirting with his fans. 

"Y/n..." I was snapped back into reality when I felt his breathe on the back of my neck. It sent chills down my spine real quick causing me to shiver. I ignored him and grabbed a black hoodie which I stole from him and put it on. I turned around only to realize how close he was. 

"Excuse me please I need to go co-"

"Shut up"

"I'm sorry what? Who do you thi-" he grabbed me by the neck and pushed me against the wall. I was shocked. I mean he was the dominant one of our relationship but I didn't think he was this dominant. I looked at him and seen the anger and lust in his eyes. 

"I.said.shut.the.hell.up. Like I said you're gonna stop being around hi-" he was cut off due to the sound of my phone ringing. He sighed annoyed and grabbed it. From the way he looked I knew it must've been Jackson.

"Answer it" Wonho said handing me the phone. I reached out to grab it with a shaky hand. I swiped the green button and put the phone to my ear. 


"Y/n..hey how are you?"

"I'm good Jackson...did you need something?" I kept eye contact with Wonho as I talked watching his every move. He smirked and started rubbing his hands up and down my thighs softly while kissing my neck. I bit my lip trying not moan since I was still talking to Jackson.

"Oh no..it's just that I missed you and was wondering..if...maybe you wanted to have lunch with me?" he asked. 

"Mmm...I-I don't know about that Jac- ahh!" I let out a soft moan. I felt Wonho smirk against my skin and reach his hand underneath my (his) hoodie and start to massage my chest. My breathing hitched as his teeth came in contact with my nipple. (God forgive me)

"Is everything okay Y/n? It sounds like you're mo-"

"Yes she is moaning and that's because the person she's in love with is making her fell good. Now I'm gonna need you to stay away from her or we'll have a problem. Bye" Wonho hung up the phone and tossed it somewhere. I stared at him shocked yet turned on even more. 

"What?" he asked looking at me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a steamy yet deep kiss. He chuckled and broke it the kiss leaving me confused. 

"Oh you didn't think you were gonna any tonight did you? Only good girls get rewarded my Queen" he grinned and walked out the room leaving me alone to realize that I lost at my own game. 

Suddenly he popped his head around the door "Also don't cover up those hickeys I need everyone including your professors to know your taken" Wonho winked. I threw a hanger at him but missed since he dodged quickly. 



The end~


Hey guys! How are you gorgeous,intelligent, weird yet unique people doing? 

I'm doing okay thanks for asking but a sis has been stressed. Finals is coming up real quick. I've been studying and procrastinating this whole month. Crazy right. But y'all I know I need to update this book and I am. 

I need to finish Dean's story, Rocky's , a new scenario I'm working on with Exo blah blah all that exciting stuff. I do take request in case y'all wanted a story or something just dm me and tell me

1. Who you want (group/character)

2. Plot

3. Genre (sad,happy, a little kinky like this one)

Also if you want me to be a friend in your story just let me know. Like who wouldn't want me in their story or as a friend? I'm amazing......... Nah Fr tho I would love to make new friends with people on here and talk about random stuff. Hit me up.


P.s. LOOK AT MY MANS HIS HAIR IS BLACK LIKE OMG YASS. They here in Chicago and I can't see them because 1. My mama says they ain't Christ like and not gonna get me to heaven 2. I'm a broke and have no car. 


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