Hyungsik: Relaxation

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You step into your quiet, semi-lit penthouse happy that the tiring,long day was over. You were supposed to be home at 5, but an accident happened causing you to be in the I.C.U for 4 hours. Thankfully both people survived. 

You tossed both your jacket and bag on the table and took off your heels. Sighing in relief that your feet could finally breathe. 

"My queen is finally home" you looked up and Hyungsik your boyfriend for 4 years and now fiance. He proposed 4 months ago and the wedding isn't until mid-July. He made his way over towards you trying to give you a hug,but you declined it.

"You ok?" he asked looking at you. Concern written all over his face. 

"Not really, I'm stressed and covered in someone's blood. I just want a bottle of wine, chocolate covered strawberries and a bubble bath" you explained while unbuttoning your top and walking upstairs. 

"Damn it..you ruined my surprise" Hyungsik said. Your turned around and looked at him raising your eyebrow. 

"Surprise??" a small grin crept on his face as he opened your bedroom door leading you inside. Once you entered you saw shopping bags from all your favorite brands. Your stood there in shock and joyfulness. Hyungsik always found a way to spoil you. Even if it was something simple. One time when your goldfish, Fluffy, died he bought you a Siberian husky puppy to replace him. (I can't wait till I meet a man like this...sike yes I can)

"Baby you didn't have to do all of this" you said softly still taken back at everything. 

"Yes I did. A queen has to be treated like one plus my mom said if I didn't treat you right she'll hurt me so" he shrugged while running his hands through his hair. "Now hurry up and strip so you can enjoy your bath and I can have you all to myself" he smirked at the last part. 

"Okay okay" you walked inside the bathroom and again you were in awe at the sight. Candles were lit everywhere, (f/s) was playing softly in the background, and the smell of chocolate filled the atmosphere. Without another second wasted you striped and made your way towards the bathtub. As your body touched the hot water you moaned in delight.

"You like it?" Hyungsik asked coming in with towels.

"Mhm..baby why don't you join me?" you looked at him with a flirty grin. 

"No this is all for you just relax baby" he said sitting on the edge of the tub.

"Pleaseee I'd relax more if you were here with me" you fingers crawled up and down his muscular arm. 



"No Y/n"

"Whyyyy? Hyungsikkk" you whined. 

"Y/nnn" he mocked causing you to roll your eyes playfully. 

"Please" you said. He chuckled and stood up. 

"Alright" he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it on the counter. Your eyes lingered down his body and smiled. You still can't believe you got so lucky with a man like him. Many thoughts ran through your mind making you blush.

"I know you want all of this but you gotta wait till later" he said interrupting your thoughts. He got on the opposite side of the tub. You looked at him confused. 

"What?" he asked.

"Why are you all the way down there?" you sat up gaining full eye contact.He ignored you and reached to his left and grabbed a bowl of strawberries and handed it to you. You instantly grabbed one and bit into it.

"Don't eat all of them we gotta share" Hyungsik said holding two wine glasses and a bottle of wine in his hand. You gave him a blank look and he laughed. 

"I'm just kidding babygirl. I made more " he opened the bottle and poured the wine into the glasses handing one to you. You took it and sipped the cold drink. 

"Ughh I can't wait till I'm officially Mrs.Park" you said smiling while closing your eyes. Hyungsik also smiled and sat his glass down. He started to massage your feet making you flinch a bit. 

"Hyungsik...don't you start" you warned with your eyes still closed.

"Start what?" he gripped your leg pulling you towards him. 

"Hyungsik! You made me spi-" he cut you off with a gentle and passionate kiss. 

You kissed him back dropping the glass onto the floor; thankfully it didn't shatter. His hands ran up and down your sides feeling every curve as his mouth came in contact with your neck. Hyungsik started leaving small bites and marks making you let out a quiet moan. 

"Done" he said with a smirk on his face admiring the work he did on your neck.

"A freaking tease" you were about to move but he had a tight grip on your waist.

"I thought you wanted to relax" he stared into your eyes deeply that evil smirk still on his face. You were about to speak until you felt yourself being lifted out of the water. Your legs were wrapped around his torso and arms around his neck to keep from falling.

"My plans were to just cuddle you and watch our favorite shows but since you want more" he carefully stepped out the water and walked towards the door. He grabbed towels and the bottle of wine.

"What do you mean more?" you asked kissing his jaw. 

"Mrs.Park don't start something you can't finish" his voice dropping two octaves. He tossed the towels on the dresser and threw you on the bed. 

Let's just say you weren't able to walk and had to call in sick the next few days.

The end

939 words. My bad for any mistakes. 

Question: Do y'all want a scary/thriller story??? Something similar to Scream or Friday the 13th???

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