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The type of dad he is with the little babies y'all have.

Very protective father, loves seeing his kids read and explore their creativity.  Teaches them about music and loves dressing them all up, very stylish like himself.

Loves sharing his knowledge and passion of music with the kids. Loves taking them to the studio. They play together and play sports. He keeps them off social media, giving them privacy.

Jack J:
Plays piano and instruments with the kids. They do homework with them and loves seeing them express themselves creatively, he is strict on school. Enjoys cooking with them.

Jack G:
Plays sports with them, loves teaching them sports. He enjoys signing at home with the kids and is strict on school. Has a dad and kids day only once every two weeks.

He's a creative type of parent, the kids are homeschooled and they creative and express themselves very creatively. Loves to design clothes with them.

Doesn't show off the kids to his social media platform. More private parent and loves spending time bike riding with the kids and the animals in the backyard. Teaches the kids football.

He's a baseball dad. Takes the kids with him to the studio when they ask him, always reminding them they can do whatever they want to do and being kind to others.

Takes the kids to the studio, and helps them with the homework. Reads book to them for their bedtime entertainment and loves going out on Sundays with to get ice cream or yogurt and to the Park.

Goofy sporty dad, encouraging your children to be sporty and being goofy at times. Teaches them how to play sports & skateboard.  He's a basketball coach to the kids.

He takes the kids to the studio and is on big on music, he loves seeing the kids having the love for music he has. He takes them on tour at time to see new city's and explore them with the kids.

Hope y'all enjoyed, I did writing this. Sorry I haven't posted in a cool minute, I've been a busy bee with school. This week was so great!
Updated: March 2,2019

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